I think we should be able to use any kind of torture we think necessary. If its ok for our soldiers to have their heads cut off and video taped why is it not ok for us to use torture of it is going to save lifes? Alls fair in love and war.
the problem with torture is that when you start pulling fingernails and electrocuting nutsacks, people will start to say whatever you want them to in order to make it stop.... its is unreliable information. and if we're gunna use the same tactics as terrorists we're gunna have to start bombing ourselves
I voted no, but after reading your post, i think i wanna change it lol. I didnt know people were cutting off our soldiers heads, and if we're only torturing other countries people i dont see why not.. if they fuck with us, torture em.
Two wrongs don't make a right. I heard that so many times when I was a kid and hated it but it's true. Also someone has to be reasonable, otherwise we'll be the terrorists we're fighting.
[quote name='"veinte uno"']the problem with torture is that when you start pulling fingernails and electrocuting nutsacks, people will start to say whatever you want them to in order to make it stop.... its is unreliable information. and if we're gunna use the same tactics as terrorists we're gunna have to start bombing ourselves[/quote] This is the only reason id say no. I don't think I could ever torture somebody cause its fucked up. But there are definitely fucked up people that can so torture away
Two wrong don't make a right. In the bible it says you're allowed to take another persons eye (literally, not metaphorically) if they take your eye from you, and only as much as their eye (meaning what you take is equal, not greater than). That said, we should NOT allow torture, because the Bible would advocate it. Fuck that. Plus, what are we proving by saying "Oh they torture us, let's torture them!". You think you're sticking it to someone? You think anyone gives a shit? It's unreliable information, and unnecessary human torture. Fuck off with this concept. It's as barbaric as the whole village stoning your wife, with you being the ring leader, for infidelity.
No. We used to (and probably still do) torture our own citizens...kinda bullshit. Do unto others as you would want done to you. Being bad doesn't make you good.
Are you sure? I thought if people in the US do anything too fucked up, u just go to death row.. Never heard of us torturing our own people. Or anyone for that matter.
Imagine that a bomb is set to go off at a certain time, which will kill multitudes of people, but the police and the bomb squad do not know where it is located. A terrorist suspect, who knows where it has been placed, is arrested - but he refuses to talk. Is it ethical to torture him to find out the information, or should the bomb be allowed to explode? In my opinion, there's no question that he must be forced to divulge the information that will save lives.
[quote name='"garrison68"']Imagine that a bomb is set to go off at a certain time, which will kill multitudes of people, but the police and the bomb squad do not know where it is located. A terrorist suspect, who knows where it has been placed, is arrested - but he refuses to talk. Is it ethical to torture him to find out the information, or should the bomb be allowed to explode? In my opinion, there's no question that he must be forced to divulge the information that will save lives.[/quote] Yes but somebody that's willing to blow up countless innocent people is probably willing to die before giving up information. Or like other people said, (s)he'll give false information which will pause the torture while its being investigated, by which time the bomb could go off elsewhere.
It is not necessarily true that a terrorist who is tortured will lie in this type of situation. There are experts who know how to handle these types. You can't take a chance in a situation where time is of the essence - every avenue to find out the bomb location must be investigated. And, if he lies, and the bomb goes off, it's better to have tried and failed than not done anything.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" -Mahatma Ghandi Violence begets more violence; we need new unique solutions to the foreign policy problems of the world. We need less bullets, bombs, force, wars, and terrorism
We tortured our citizens through project MK Ultra with drugs and electricity...was for experiments but it was also torture to the people used as test subjects, american citizens. I'm sure we torture still today, but we just don't hear about it.
Imagine the terrorist puts that bomb there in retaliation to our foreign policy....or wait, that's actually why we have terrorists
In other words, according to you, it is our own fault when anybody who disagrees with one of our foreign policies decides to kill Americans - even though this never solves the problem that they are supposidly fighting against. In the case of jihad terrorists I believe that the entire family of anybody who goes on a suicide bomb mission should be killed - the wife, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles. When Mr. or Mrs. Jihad goes to Allah, the whole family is going along as well.