\nSaw this today in a deli and thought you might enjoy reading it.
Awesome I agree, a lot is riding on the pioneer states in CO and WA to see how smoothly an profitable the change has become to their respective state before other states dare to follow. Go Colorado Go! Not only is CO clearly the leader in this movement, it's also a beautiful state with stunning views, nice weather, beautiful mountains & downtown Denver rocks. <3
Nice read for those of you that don't know -- Barron's is a weekly, more conservative financial newspaper put out by the Wall Street Journal if they are asking this question, we are closer than we think
It is beyond a shadow of doubt that a clear majority of America wants cannabis prohibition to end,,the only ones that won't admit it are the people that make the laws,,that is costing big pharma and Dupont mire every day to keep the "lid" on. But as long as they can buy legislators,,even if it cost them a million dollars per legislator,,it is a drop in the bucket compared to the loss of profits for both the above industries.