Should I?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by EllwooD, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Alright so my local head shop (Dementia) has this sick as fuck SALT slide. Its gonna cost me 160$ if I go for it...

    Every single time I go in there I stare that bowl down haha, its sofa king dope!

    Anyways, I have the money to pick it up, but I just cant get myself to drop that kind of mad coin on a slide....

    Anyways, just wondering what others opinions are, let me know cuz I am really on the fence with this one...
  2. if youre already covered bongwise, go for it!

  3. if u think its worth 160 dollars then go for it but if u dont dont buy it. either way that would be a sick slide
  4. Yeah I want it super bad, no doubt about it, but 160.... I just dont know...
  5. Oh man, I'm right there with you on having issues with spending money on anything.

    Have you held the thing in your hands?
    Ask them if you can take a look at it, and if you still want it, go for it.
  6. #6 glassgenius, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    once you end up staring eye to eye with your bowl every time you smoke, youll consider that $160 to be well spent.

    also, if the sticker says $160, put $100 in cash on the counter and say that's what you'll give them for the slide. They'll probably take it, tax included.
  7. id rather get a half o or just another bong haha
  8. try to talk down the price if you really want that slide
  9. Hell yeah I've held it, I love it so much, but then the thought of spending 160 on a slide lingers over head... Im not sure if I will regret it or not.
  10. I've thought about doing that, but theres like three stickers on that thing from it being marked down haha
    How much does a SALT slide normally run for?
  11. also, if the sticker says $160, put $100 in cash on the counter and say that's what you'll give them for the slide. They'll probably take it, tax included.[/QUOTE]

    I def agree with this, try to talk them down buy offering cash. Its worth asking at least, you might be suprised man! GO for it!!!
  12. they go from $80 to about $230
  13. I def agree with this, try to talk them down buy offering cash. Its worth asking at least, you might be suprised man! GO for it!!![/QUOTE]
    I think I'm gonna go try this out, I mean why the hell not... I'll let everyone know how it goes :hello:
  14. depending on the slide its probably worth it. ive seen some go for more than that and they're amazing. ive got a salt dry and ive yet to smoke it but i cant stop looking at the damn thing.
  15. If you are going to haggle dont walk in slap money on the glass and say hey yo take this. You be better off if you go in there and spark up some convo and one you get talking you say hey I need that piece ive been in here a ton but I just cant afford it offer them 60.00 if they say no say thanks shake hands and walk out. Call later that day and say hey this is me again whats the lowest you will take, whaver they tell u over the phone is what you need to bring in with you and just buy the damn thing. My last spoon I bought from a shop in OC was marked at 180 it was super fucking sick and hard labor went into it, after talking for about 30 mins I walked out paying 60 for it.
  16. so....did you get it ellwood?
  17. If you have the money, go for it. Try to haggle though.

  18. worst idea ever. if you did that in my shop i would say GTFO. you are paying for a piece of art that also functions as a smoking tool. salt pieces are very nice and are pretty popular. really without knowing the size or details of it, its hard to say what you should or shouldn't pay for it.

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