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Should I try edibles?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ibscoot, May 5, 2016.

  1. So I told my friend that I wanted to try an edible the other day and I'm about to buy it soon. It's a brownie that is "very potent" so I figured I would try half this weekend. Unfortunately the day I want to try it (Saturday) my parents will still be home but I was thinking of having my friends over and we'd just chill in the basement all day. Is it worth risking? My parents are against drugs and have never caught me before but I really want to try it and I do not want the brownie to go to waste. I do not think my parents go down in the basement when I have friends over but if I'm going to be down there for such an extended time they might go once or twice.
    I also heard to buy food before hand which I do not think will be too suspicious.. My other friends are splitting one (there's two of them) and if I don't do it with them then they will most likely not eat it so I would feel bad. How long does the high last and will I still be able to function after eating one half? And how long do you think a brownie can sit without going bad? I have eye drops and I have been high around my parents before but never to this level. Any advice would be appreciated and if you think I shouldn't do it then can you please tell me what I should do instead? Thanks! (Sorry if I did anything wrong- first post)
  2. Do at your own risk, edibles are a different type of high like a really strong, stoned type high. If you think you can handle it go for it, if not don't.
  3. Do you think it is worth the risk? I'm able to handle a regular high so if I only eat a bit then I should be fine in my mind
  4. If your worried about it, you might wanna wait til your parents aren't there. Edibles are way stronger.

    Whatever you do just remember they take about an hour to kick in so wait to have more if you're not feeling it!

    doob's first indoor grow
  5. Okay so how long do you think an edible could sit for before it goes bad?
  6. Maybe a week or two. Same as a regular brownie.
    Depends on where it's stored.

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