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Should I tell my doctor now?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by dustyyy, May 22, 2009.

  1. I've always had an anxiety issue and most likely have GAD. Luckily, nothing drastic has ever occurred and it's gotten a lot better over the past 3 years. But it's starting to get worse lately so I've been smoking weed as a self medication.

    I went to see my doctor for a vaccination shot the other day (I'm 18, it was for Hep. A, my work wanted it because I'm around food as a gas station clerk-- don't flame me for assuming I'm starting middle school or something). He asked me if I do any drugs as part of the routine physical exam. I said no, but now I'm regretting it...

    There's a current bill in my state that may allow medical use of marijuana. If I told my doctor now that I'm self medicating myself and that it's helping, do you think it would help my future cause for getting a card? Or would I actually have to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder?
  2. You most likely will be able to get that card. You need to be straight up and honest with your doctor.
    Let's just hope your doctor is green friendly!
  3. Depends, what state are you in?

    Up here in Canada, we DO have medical marijuana, but you have to have very serious diseases like cancer to get one, not like Cali. My uncle can actually grow up to 7 plants legally because he's a cancer survivor.

    Your state may have a medical marijuana law, but that doesn't mean you'll get a card for sure, although from what I understand they hand out cards for anxiety quite a bit in areas like Cali, where its much more lenient.

    Its all down to your state man, and also if you can find a sympathetic doctor that'd probably help.

    Overall there's no drawbacks to telling your doctor, Dr-patient confidentiality and all that, so you might as well tell him:D

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