should i SUE?

Discussion in 'General' started by KimJungSucks, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. i want to sue my employer. i am missing a total of 45 hours on my paycheck. which totals to be around $300 shorted. i was recently terminated from my job. The reason that was given was the register was short 15 bucks. I probably made a mistake and gave out the wrong change, but i highly doubt i did. Whatever though thats not the point. they owe me 300 bucks is the point. i contacted the manager and he told me to call 1800-kfc, i call and im not even sure thats a real corporate number  to look up my hours since i had no evidence or time stamps. he told me i would get redirected but guess not. so later on i call the district manager, and he says he will talk to my manager and get it sorted. he tells me to call him back at the same time the nextday. i did and when i asked him, he said he was busy and that he will call him and to hold on the line. than he hangs up on me lol and i call him back twice with no answer. I AM NOT GETTING ANSWERS I FEEL THERE AVOIDING ME. i called the store once and no one picked up. i called again no answer. i star 67 called and i get an prompt answer lulz. than they ask who it is, i tell them and i get hung up on aganin holy fuck. so should i take this to small claims court or what. whats my options?

  2. Your first step would be to contact the labor board in your state. Then after you can sue them if don't get a satisfactory result, and you really want to. But if you don't have any proof of hours worked, you're not going to win.
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  3. Thats bullshiit they are responsible for keeping the hours
  4. That may be true, but in court they expect somebody to prove you worked those hours, and if it can't be proven then no case. Don't forget that our nation and justice system are designed to benefit the corporations, not the employees. If you want to win this request for video surveillance tapes that can document you worked unpaid hours.
    The most important thing I can say to you is just go talk to a lawyer!!
    They will tell you everything you need to know and then some. It is the job of a lawyer to help you win a case and adequately gather evidence in your favor. They can help you 10000 times more than any of us on GC can.
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  5. #5 nascarfan, Feb 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2014
    Yes....and what do you think is going to happen when you rely on them to prove the hours if this goes to court? There's not a time clock in the world that can't be edited. No court is going to take you seriously if you can't point out the discrepancy. What days are wrong, etc. Anything. A copy of the schedule. Your shifts written down on something. Anything is better than nothing. And regardless, we're not talking about invoking any employee protection agency here and having them audit the company. We're talking about you suing them. You have to prove your case. You. Always. No matter what you're suing for. What you think a judge is going to award you money because you said they're wrong? But yeah, like the other user said, if you're thinking about suing, call a lawyer.
    Keep that in the mind for future jobs. It's ALWAYS a good idea to keep a copy of your schedule and real time hours worked.
  6. Wait a minute. You were dismissed because a register was short 15$? I think there is more to this than you may have mentioned. I work in retail and my registers are constantly over or under the amount they should be. We have never dismissed an employee simply because the register they used came up short once. Even in a place such as KFC, that wouldn't happen.While I understand your frustration at being dismissed and not receiving the pay owed to you, I really am wondering if there are more reasons as to why you were dismissed. Why didn't you get a formal letter of dismissal? Why don't you have a record of the rosters you worked? And lastly, why do you think at jumping to automatically suing your now former employer is the answer? You may be getting the ring around, but like I said before what other factors led to your dismissal?
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  7. #7 UnsuspiciousUsername, Feb 2, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2014
    Well if you need some clarification, I think I could help. This is a guy who made a thread earlier about eating a handful of weed, thought it got him kind of high, then proceeded to clarify whether consuming weed (after the fact) gets you high by asking the internet. So to me, his story makes sense. 
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  8. With the information you provided I wouldn't go the legal route if I were you, more hassle than it's worth. Make a stink maybe threaten legal action, but you will probably get your pay, it may take time and effort. 
    I just got my last check from my previous job, took about 10 phone calls and 2 month, still not too much work for it, much more than should be...fucking assholes.
    Keep at it.
    ^_^ Ahhh, this all makes so much more sense to me now. Cheers!
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  10. 1-800-kfc lmao. Dude, if you make these threads up yourself you have a future in comedy
  11. What if the question wasn't if he can prove he worked rather they prove he DID NOT work said hours?
  12. Go there and demand it. Get the cops involved if they try to get rid of you.
  13. Courts don't work like that. The burden of proof is always on the accuser.
  14. don't know about kfc, but there should be some kind of site to go to, and see your hours, and maybe print them off...i know when i worked a mcdonalds, i could just print off a receipt of me punching in, and out everyday, and i did do that every day, so they couldn't ever get away with shorting me
    you are too...
    you have no proof, they can say they over paid and you owe them...
  16. The first thing you should do is go to the Dept. of Labor in your area, and tell them your story.

    You may get the money they owe you, and Unemployment Insurance as well if you worked long enough to qualify for it.
  17. Oops, didn't even realize the guy has been banned!
  18. Pretty sure KFC, which serves 12 million people a day, can afford a better lawyer than the person who works for minimum wage at one of their restaurants.

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