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should i stay or should i go...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by samsmokindro, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. i bought 2 grams from a friend and i have only smoked 1 gram but i shared that 1 gram with a friend and was only high for about 15 minutes. is that good? he charged me 30 $ for the 2 grams:confused:
  2. High for 15 minutes? Can't be good..
  3. high for 15 minutes...placebo? :p
  4. yeah that wwhat i was thinkin but then agin i only smoked about 1/2 a gram.
  5. If you smoke a half a gram of anything you should feel high for more then 15 minutes...unless its dirt?
  6. [ame=""]YouTube- The Clash- Should I stay or should I go[/ame]
  7. must be some schwaggy ass weed.

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