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Should I smoke?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Teal, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Help decide my fate... I smoke like 6 times today but wanna know if I should smoke one more time
  2. no. 6 times is more than enough.
  3. wack it and go to bed

    your fate has been decided.
  4. Here is a trick that an old Buddhist Monk taught me: Do you have a quarter? It has to be a 1985 era quarter or this trick won't work right and may cause blindness...take the quarter into the palm of your hand, feel its energy pulsing through your flesh? Good, now pick the quarter up and place it on your thumb nail resting against your pointer finger, have it all set up? Good...flick, and call it in the air.
  5. If you have to ask this question your answer is probably no.
  6. Bro wtf my mind is blown. I swear a month ago i saw you with 1.5k posts :smoke:
  7. ok i guess ill wait till after class tommorow :rolleyes:
  8. Yea I agree with everyone else. Post pic of belly button then go to bed.
  9. Dont let people on a forum decide this for you. If you have the bud, and want to blaze, then do it.
    Learn to realize when your overdoing though.

  10. What this says =D

    But over doing it?

  11. haha, this
  12. i wonder if i should whack off another time before i go to bed, i've done it 6 times already but was wondering if i should give it another shot(no pun intended)

    any suggestions? :wave:
  13. If you smoked 6 times u prolly high enough now. You should just call it a night and smoke another jay in the morning
  14. 6 times in one day is enough.

    smoke in the morning.
  15. Like the other dude said, wack it and go to bed lol.

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