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should i smoke this left over shake?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Macross, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. hey guys, smoked all the buds out of this bag recently and now i'm left with with bottom shake of it. i've picked out some stems from it but from what i can see, it still has tiny ones mixed in with the trim as well.

    should i smoke it or maybe make some edible?

    Imageshack - dsc02591an2.jpg

  2. smoke dat shit and get high before i slap you my nikkuh! :smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::D:smoke::wave: um what are other emotions that are cool, :ey::yay::love::bongin::smoking:wwoo mescaline :hippie::gc_rocks:
  3. roll up one, you've already got it broken up
  4. Smoke it. Shake always tends to get me higher for some reason.
  5. I enjoy fat shake bowls :)

  6. My theory is that is gets you higher because shake is at the bottom of the bag and im sure as the bud moves around in the bag, trichs fall off the bud and down to the bottom and onto the shake. Thus gettting you higher. Not sure if Im right though, This is just my guess

    HAPPY TOKIN' :smoke:
  7. Thats good to smoke, although I would keep it and make some cannabutter
  8. Firecrackers!
  9. i would smoke it.
  10. id smoke it.
    g bong style nikka
  11. No, you should just throw it away.:rolleyes:
  12. Looks to me like you got a solid bowl's worth there. (A little hard to tell because there's nothing to use for scale in the pic, but pretty sure)
    If it were me...:bongin:
  13. yes you should smoke every last speck of that
  14. why do people make threads like this?

    *dee duh dee...i has this weeed heree guys and i was just wondering if i should smoke it?*

    the fuck kinda question is that?
  15. hard to tell how much it is, im guessing around 1.5 grams?
    i say roll a nice fat joint, and use the rest for a nice bowl :smoke:
  16. shakes great for j's :D
  17. ya, seriously
  18. Well duh...
    Fuch stems...
    Smoke it Bizznitch...
  19. I agree, I tend to notice the same. Though I don't tend to get much shake in my bags, but when I do it's usually covered in the trichs :)

    Smoke up :)

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