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Should I smoke this Black Weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by palasaint, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. Hiya,
    Just was doing a little dive on this but I happened upon some suspiciously colored weed and just was looking for some insight. Sooo, a friend of mine offered me some weed that was FREE; so obviously, I obliged. I have yet to give it a try, but I’ve never run into this type of bud and, from what I can tell it seems pretty legit, just makin sure it’s not bunk weed. From what I can tell there’s no visible mold, squashed trics, or any tampering for that matter. It feels slightly sticky when crumbling it up but also slightly grainy/powdery but that may be a factor of it being dry. ANYWAYS, if you have any input, feel free to let me know, I would love to expand my knowledge.
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  2. I don't know how a bud comes to look like that, but I'd give it a try. I don't see anything alarming. That said, someone "gifted" me some cannabis stored in a baggy for years. I did not try that. Straight into the garbage.
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  3. Screenshot_20230930-085554.png
    I'm with joker1121
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  4. i it were me id try just a one skinner just to get the taste and smell etc,,,,,,,mac,
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  5. Looks fine to me.
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  6. Looks like a goat turd.
  7. Unfortunately, I've bought PGR weed. And it looked identical to what you have there.

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