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Should I smoke now, later, or both?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mrdelrey, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Well I'm definitely smoking later with my friend and I want to get super high.

    But I'm really bored right now and i have a spoon here with some weed in it leftover from last night.

    Should I smoke it? Or wait till later. Just want to know what you guys would do.

    Thanks. :)
  2. [quote name='"mrdelrey"']Well I'm definitely smoking later with my friend and I want to get super high.

    But I'm really bored right now and i have a spoon here with some weed in it leftover from last night.

    Should I smoke it? Or wait till later. Just want to know what you guys would do.

    Thanks. :)[/quote]

    I'd smoke it of you got plenty for later.. But that's just me

  3. Damn.. I have 120 from January haha
  4. Op id smoke now and later to feel good all day...

    dang i only have fifty since '09
  5. should this even be a question? BOTH of course.
  6. blaze up now and then blaze later...duh!
  7. Ended up smoking. Happy I did. Got this new bic lighter with a fuckin tiger on it.. hahahahha check it out
  8. When I'm in your situation I usually wait. Bc the second smOke of the day for me is not nearly as good as the first
  9. Smoke two joints in the morning,
    Smoke two joints at night,
    Smoke two joints in the afternoon,
    It makes you feel all right.

    Smoke two joints in time of peace,
    And two in time of war,
    Smoke two joints before you smoke two joints,
    And then smoke two more.

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