Should I smoke in my room?

Discussion in 'General' started by KidKool, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. I live in a small house and its very creaky and you can hear every time I leave the house at night to go toke up, my mom always knows when I leave and im running out of excuses as to why I leave every night, do you think it would be safer to smoke in my room with the window open and the fan pointing out the window? I can not get caught. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. Bong or joint ?

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  4. bong
  5. I smoke in doors on an almost nightly basis. Matter of fact, I am atm. It's easy enough to do as long as you are smart about it. I'll have a ceiling fan I'll turn on once Im done, and a pair of windows that Ill open all the way aswell.

    - First off, only take single hits out of whatever you plan on using to smoke (Whether its a bong or pipe. No blunts or J's).

    -Make sure you clear it all meaning to not have any smoke escape into the air. It's better to pack smaller hits than bigger hits. If a small amount of smoke escapes, it's not the worst. Have an odor eliminating spray ready to use. Make sure it's not just an air freshener. If thats all you have, it's better than nothing.

    - Put a towel or shirts wedged under your door and the floor.

    -Use a sploof when you have to exhale. And exhale OUT the window.

    -Hold in your hit as long as you can. The longer you hold it in, the less smoke will come out.

    -Have a little paper cup or water bottle to ash in.

    -Once you get the technique down, it becomes second nature. Ill go make food or go to the bathroom, and I'll comeback to the bedroom where I was smoking and it will not smell like weed. If there is any smell, it's just the ground up bud in my grinder.

    When you are all done smoking, open your windows all the way, and turn your fan on, or pointing out the window. It's always just more insurance to have atleast one window open a little when you fall asleep. Spray some odor neutralizing spray or some air freshener.

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    • Like Like x 2
  6. If you need to ask. don't.
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  7. Hey there Billy.
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  8. How about you respect your moms house and don't toke.

    Or man up. tell your mom that you smoke and you want to smoke at home so you're not out and about causing trouble.
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  9. you will get caught one day or the other, dont do it inside. Make an excuse like: you like to go for a walk or running outside before sleep. Sometimes the smoke in your room can be smelled in your entire house. My brother started smoking before i did and when he smoke in his room we can smell it easily in the house and he have a window open.

    Also if your parents decide to get up and knock on your door because they forgot to tell you something, they will smell it and you will get caught. it happened to me haha.
  10. Maybe get an vaporizer, less odor
  11. I definitely approve this message. Well worth the investment for your situation.
  12. Just to name a few..
    I have an Vapman (butan vape) myself, and i love it. extremly efficient. Good quality.
    BUT the lighter does 'click' while actuating.

    Maybe take a look at PAX, FIREFLY, Crafty/Mighty ('high-end') or Flowermate, Storm,... (mid-tier).

    invest at least 50$ (better somewhat 80-120$) in an QUALITY device.

    dont save at this point, as you dont want to inhale plastic/whatnot.

    its an investment in health and also for stealthiness
  13. Cup of boiling water, drop a small bud in, cover head with towel around cup, enjoy the vapors, when beverage cools drink, rinse and repeat if needed. best sleeping aid ever. No smell, no fuss, someones asks what you are doing, tell them you have a cold.
  14. Nice idea, bit imho this gets obvious quick. exspecially in summer..
  15. Seeing as he's using a bong, his mom will hear that all to obvious sound of *bubblebubblebubblebubble* that bongs make everytime he hits it. She'll get curious and be like, "Da fuq is that noise...?" hear it's coming from Billy's room, get up to investigate. *bubblebubble-* "BILLY!"

    Next thread: My mom caught me smoking and shes freaking out! Help me convince her shes overreacting and that its my medicine for anxietys and depressings.

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