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"Should I smoke Dope?"

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by hockeyman07, May 25, 2009.

  1. #1 hockeyman07, May 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2009
    At 6:00 pm tonight ( MOnday the 25th)

    On BBC America. (Direct Tv- 264) .

    It is a documentary on legalizing.

    Good to watch for all you documentary blades. (Me !)
  2. I've seen this's the one with the lady who doesn't smoke going to Amsterdam and sampling some of the best hash/weed she can find, working in a coffee shop, that sorta thing.

    She gets so high in many's quite hilarious.

    It's available on youtube in it's entirety.
  3. i just watched the ending it was pretty cool how she said that street weed can be dangerous cus of the sketchy dealers and stuff which is one of the reasons why it should be legal...
  4. thanks for the heads up man that was rather interesting :smoking:

    injected with thc... dang thats alittle extreme.

    Holes in your lungs from joints!

    maybe i just have a small case of psychosis:p:p:p
  5. I haven't watched it yet, but I figured I'd make it easy for people to find.

    Before watching it my comments are...I hope in the video people correct the whole "dope" thing. I have a feeling this is going to piss me off, seems like she knows little about it and will perpetuate a lot of propaganda, but I'll find out later.

    [ame=]YouTube - Should I Smoke Dope? 1/6 [HQ][/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Should I Smoke Dope? 2/6 [HQ][/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Should I Smoke Dope? 3/6 [HQ][/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Should I Smoke Dope? 4/6 [HQ][/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Should I Smoke Dope? 5/6 [HQ][/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Should I Smoke Dope? 6/6 [HQ][/ame]
  6. What they dont mention when it comes to the higher potency, is that when encountering a higher potency strain, people smoke less. Ehhh, I'm not sure how I feel about this whole video.
  7. #7 Bolthero, May 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2009
    video 1 was hillarious how she bugged out and did she crap her pants in the middle opf the second video???!!!
  8. Everyone gets ridiculously stoned their first few times....

    Not really an accurate test.
  9. Ok I'm finally watching this. I will comment on each of the 6 parts.

    Part 1: Hate it. Bottom line, I hate this so far. The doctor she talked to has bought into propaganda. The biggest problem with it is she didn't listen to the instructions she was given and because she worked herself into a panic she is acting like weed is evil and scary. Hope it gets better.

    Part 2: A little better, she acted retarded but her second use probably shouldn't have been hash anyway. She clearly pissed herself from laughing too much. I loved the cop though (don't hear that said about american cops).

    Part 3: I am not enjoying this video at all. She just seems like the kind of person who blames all her problems on something besides her. I would love to see more on the lung damage and all that at the end. The doctor seems to be taking 1 22 year old patient with lung problems who happened to smoke cannabis and saying that cannabis is the cause with no similar cases or reason beside the fact it's easy to say he smoked cannabis, we don't really have good data on what cannabis does but he has lung problems so cannabis did it. And then she says the jury is out on cannabis but it could very well be worse than cigarettes, bullshit, enough has been done to know it isn't, we just can't quite figure out why it isn't.

    Part 4: Finally she is relaxing and going with the flow instead of getting high and fighting it. The grandma is awesome, wish her the the best. I'm so glad they did the driving test with alcohol because it just goes to show that the problems she has when high are her problems not the weed because alcohol makes her even worse. Most people just don't act like that, I can knock back a 1/5th and a few beers and be more in control than she was after a bottle of wine. I want to do the driving test I know I would ace it on both. I find I would rather drive drunk than high too, I drive equally as well with either but too much paranoia with a high.

    Part 5: At least they admitted the reefer madness type propaganda is wrong, but still I wish they would back up the longterm risks with something more than the word "may". I'm very happy they talked about grit weed and that it is a dangerous product of the black market. The kid at the end was pretty dumb, calling it dangerous because it leads to paranoia, I'm always paranoid and cannabis does exacerbate it but that's not dangerous it's just shitty, it if it legal much of that paranoia would go away anyway, and since it's illegal paranoia can keep your ass out of jail.

    Part 6: Can I please be part of that test? I wish they would have explained how much the doseage was and the difference between smoking and injection. What I'm leaving that segment wondering is, doesn't that mean marinol and the like which is synthetic THC is far more scary than real bud?

    Conclusion: Pretty much a waste of time, she just appears to be stupid with or without marijuana and it isn't a very good test. She appears to be extreme in her behavior when under the influence of anything. I really feel it was worthless to watch because it answered no questions and left people who don't know any better with a bad view of cannabis because the subject of the "test" was a horrible control. But I would like to shoot up some weed now. That looked like the most fun I have ever seen, like a mixture of weed and nitrous. :D
  10. "Medical Help on Standby"

  11. She took 2 pulls on a joint with .1G of weed and a cigarette worth of weed and said she was high....

  12. Yeah, why did she get picked. I agree with your comments on how she got so paranoid on that little of smoking.
  13. i found something extremely satisfying watching her toke up...or as a matter of fact really anyone, i like seeing people happy

    not so much though that they shit their pants
  14. i watched it hoping this would be a good documentary but its filled with misconception and stupidity i personally think. why would she choose to do an experiment like this when she can't handle the outcome, she takes 2 puffs and is stoned. really? you have got to be kidding me, she can't handle both marijuana or alcohol.
  15. Yeaah lol.
  16. overall this lady has no control over any of her substances. Alcohol shows how much of an idiot she is and the foolish way she bahaves herself. Then she smokes some tree... i mean if you could even call .1g mixed into tobacco tree and bugs out. I bet she got a bigger buzz of the damn nicotine. This lady is not a good person to do any type of experiment with since she has no real base line. I say take a person who can handle their alcohol and drugs and submit them to the same test. Shit pay me to go to Amsterdam and smoke herb for a month!
  17. damn she murdered dem munchies
  18. It goes back and forth, from scaring the viewer to making them think it's alright. A LOT of wrongs in it, but it's alright overall.

    I loved when she would smoke and then get real giggly.
  19. what the hell 25 puffs? 10 minutes?
    and then she said that was her worst day ever ever ever ever...
    no further comment.
  20. I hate how I'm the first vid she says "it's worse than being blind drunk"

    such bs

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