I have xbox kinect and 2 games i am thinking bout bringin them into a gaming store my dealer is assosiated with and he is best friends with the owner and selling it to him -i will most likely get 120-160$ -i dont ever use it -i dont have a job so i never have money -brother gets super shitty hours and cant afford bud all the time I can either get a half ounce of dank or an ounce of unknown from one of my class mates Pls help! What should i do??
Not to sound like a dick but maybe get a job. I have one and while not used much now its good to have around and I'm kind of against selling things just for weed.
You got it for Christmas, which obviously means you didnt pay for it(which also means someone got it for you thinking maybe you wanted it). Then you think its a good idea to go ahead and sell it, cause you wanna smoke some bud? Uh-huh.... No, I wouldnt sell any of my belongings for some bud. Get a job. You're going to smoke it up and regret it.
Ebay is a good idea, also i would check out craigslist you could get a good ammount there. If you dont use it theres no point in keeping it so might as well sell it while its worth somthing. and if i was you id buy the dank .
sell it to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... my xbox broke.....AGAIN.. FUCKING LOUZU CRAP MACHINE THIS IS... BUT A DAM GOOD SOFTWARE IT HAS.. EDIT: seriously though PM me if you still have it...
sell it man kinect is shit the games are made for little kids..theres a reason stores are stocked with the kinect version but sell so many of the version without it
If you don't use it much now then you probably won't use it much later either, and the value will only go down over time. Selllll
Why not? You're obviously not enjoying it and bud is infinitely more fun than video games... Oh and I really don't understand the negativity about selling stuff for weed, sure, you got it as a gift, ebay is great, that person doesn't have to know .
Something you can keep for 10-15 years for the bag you smoke in 24 hours. That's a hard fucking choice right there. Un fucking belivable some of you, no joke. I hope your parents find out and toss your ass out for being an ADDICT.
if you can get anywhere close to 150 for the kinect by itself i would sell it. i didnt like it either but dont sell it just because you wanna buy weed. if you like it keep it.
^ Agreed. Way overhyped, one of the BIGGEST flops in recent years. Dreamcast sold like shit, but played better for it's time than what Kinect did... I wasn't the only one watching those Kinect vids, where the people would move through the shit with their hands?! THAT SHIT WAS FAKE!!! Now I am pissed... I gotta smoke a cig and think about what a bad investment that was...
ha why would you want that. if youre gonna move around fucking go outside and chase a squirell or something. fucking marketing assholes coming up with useless shit!