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Should i save this roach for tomorrow or blow it now?I

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 93TheHitStick, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I have a fat roach of some dank. Its gonna get me pretty high. Should i smoke it now? Or should i smoke it before school tomorrow? My first period of the day is a tech class so i am gonna literally be staring at the computer for like an hour doing absolutely nothing because the teacher took internet off of all the computers and my class is full of nerds. Second period which i will probably get the munchies during is horticulture. Kinda hard/ easy. I would go baked but there is this girl in there that i wanna fuck and she doesn't like stoners. So what do you think i should do? oh and btw i am probably gonna smoke another blunt at lunch anyway.
  2. go high if u have no tests tmrw just don't let the dtf girl know that ur high?
  3. shit sometimes i just smoke the roach from the day before while walking to school then in school i just chill the fuck out...soo i would have to go with wake and bake
  4. Hard for me to hide it though lol. When i'm high my eyes go into ***** mode. Even if i only hit it like once and i'm buzzed i will look like i blazed a friggin pound. So everyone knows i'm high for like ours afterwards lol. Really killing me with the bitches bro.
  5. Don't go to school if you look high. Its a good way to get caught. I've found it doesn't really matter where your mind is at.
  6. Don't go to school high. That's for noobs. :cool: instead smoke it tonight, buy some more tomorrow and smoke tomorrow night. Repeat.
  7. Smoke it in the morning before school son.

    Waken Baken.
  8. If your a legit toker, toke it. If your a noob wait.
  9. I feel you need to answer this question on your own. If you need to be told when you should smoke, you just shouldnt it when you feel you wanna smoke. Its simple.
  10. take a few hits to help you relax than smoke the rest after you get up

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