Should I Risk It?

Discussion in 'General' started by hungry4thebooty, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, made this account just so I can get your guys opinions on something. 
    I've been on a 6 month probation term for about 3 months now, and just recently finished ALL the requirements today. Right when summer starts for me. I finished my 12 weeks at this place that piss tests you every week, and now i'm wondering if I should smoke for the next 2 months and then stop for 1 month to get clean for my last court date. Its summer, and i'm going to be going to lots of parties and gatherings where weed will be there and I wouldn't want to go if I couldn't smoke.
    So whats your guys opinions? Should I or shouldn't? Ask me more questions if you need more details. 
    Dont give short blunt answers like "no" or "yes".. give a little explanation please!

  2. Uhm yeah no one gives a fuck.
  3.  Yep, this is the community I was expecting. Sad.
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  4. you wouldn't wanna go if weed wasn't at a party? if it's a party get drunk
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  5. #6 Adam182, Jun 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2014
    Flol! Calm down lad.
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  6. Why do people have to ask other people's opinions on what they should do in certain situation?
    Live your own fucking life.
    Guys, should I scratch my balls right now?
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  7. Okay have a talk with Bill Nye now sir.

    Fuck yo presents!
    YES! Make a thread about it.

    Fuck yo presents!

    Attached Files:

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    Because having two opinions is better than 1. 
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    Yeah just go for it just don't take no chances like smoking 20 days before thinking "ah it'll probably be gone by then", be careful.
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  10. Your profile title is "Hungry4thebooty" shut the fuck up.

    Fuck yo presents!
  11. You're not asking someone what color shirt you should wear.
    You're asking about something that can affect your own future. You shouldn't need a second opinion on that. Go smoke, fail a piss test, see what happens.
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    lol. whoops.
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  14. Is there a chance you will have a surprise pee test? If not, then yeah. I'd probably do it :)
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    Woah, someone that isnt trying to cuss me out or irritate me. Im just worried about early termination and having my court moved up to 2 weeks instead of 3 months lol. Its a risk ill be willing to take i guess. If all else fails i have this like 2 year old cleanser that hides the THC in your urine for 5 hours.
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  16. Shut the fuck up, don't give this WHORE a opinion.

    Fuck yo presents!
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  17. Some of you blades have been real assholes lately. So just in case op want to be nice and not say it.

    Suck My Dick...

    *Endures the inevitable stoning from my fellow peers*
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  18. God, I haven't posted here for months and this is the first thread I looked at.
    This community has become so nasty and mean. 
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    I've just made my account too. Theres similar topics like this from 2-3 years ago and the replies are all nice and straight-forward so i was expecting the same. The world has just gone sour.

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