Should I push her button? (wink wink)

Discussion in 'General' started by sensimil, Nov 2, 2002.

  1. ayyyy girl...believe me i know your pain...hehe...
  2. errr yesterday i didn't go to school and my gf had her friend call me at lunch because she was scarred i wasn't there, and her friend said that she was crying all morning because she thought i was going to leave her. then today she staid really close to me and had her arms around me every chance she got. She keeps telling me shes sorry, but i duno exactly why. all she said was shes sorry for talking about fuck'n with other girls and everything, because her and her friends joke around about fucking with ecother all the time. i duno whats going on. I don't see it lasting. She cheated on me once before that i know of and i let that pass because she was all fucked up at the time, but i really think she cheated more than once. Someone that cheats once and cheat a thousand times. I'm a bitch for not leaving her then, but that was 3 months ago i can't dump her now because of it... well i can... i duno what to do, i would of left her but i'm in love with her, i never thought about another person the way i think about her. I never been truely in love before, i've thought i was in love but it wasn't like this at all. I duno.... errr. thanks for letting me vent about shit.

  3. hey baby... ;)

  4. you know, I finally know what it is to be in I can see why this is a tough situation for you...Does she know how you feel about her? does she have you ever said it?

  5. hi there, you doin', baby? :p
  6. hehe, gotta love the buttons!!
  7. i told her how much i love her, and she says shes in love with me and she'll never leave me. Theres this girl kris, my angel and kris talk all the time in school about fucking with ecother and other peoples, i know kris wants my angel really bad, shes even told me before she does. My girlie used to talk about sex with me all the time, she was always getting in my pants in school, but the last few weeks she been talking to kris she hasn't said a word to me about sex, and she rare puts her arms around me but today(cuz she knew i was really pissed). Its just fucked up, i don't know how to explain it. I love her so much, i never want to leave her, but i think i just might have to so i don't have these fucking problems... i'm so depressed. I'm going to get back to my drinking my problems away now. once again thank you for letting me talk about shit.
  8. sounds like some drama there buddy....
  9. oh and sensi, sorry for just talking about me. You said you finnaly know what its like to be in love. whuts going on with that, does that person know or whatever? Fuck i gotta make another mixed drink
  10. booze, grass, and love discussions at the City. Gotta love life!!

  11. yeah she knows. we were together at school, running around behind all our friends backs. I didnt really care if people were to know, but she didnt want people to know she was with a girl. 9 months. I fell so hard for her. college ended, over the summer we talked for hours on end every day, she came to see me (we were 3 hours away) and then things started to taper off come august. I was scared out of my mind I was loosing her. I asked why this was happening, why was she putting so much time and space between us...and she said she was just getting used to the fact that she'd be going back to school and we wouldnt be able to be together anymore. worst feeling ever. it was terrible. Im still not over it..I think in the long run we'll be together. Id like to hope so...Shes doing her thing at school and Im doing mine in the coast gaurd..Shes a few years younger than its like when things settle in a few years..maybe something will come togther between us. thats what Im looking for anyway...I mean a few years is a long time, but, well, Love. when I think of it..I cant see anything else but us together.

  12. I think you and this girl you have this love for should talk. If its serious, then all this running around shes doing, with this other girl kris, shouldnt be happening...I dont believe in open relationships myself, even if the two people love each other..I just cant see how that is true. I dunno, have you guys really talked about things lately?
  13. Comunication is the key to any relationship.....
  14. aw crap. all this talk is killing me. I just went through every email that she sent me...Im sitting here refreshing my email thinking shes going to reply to the "hi" email I sent her this morning..I keep checking her name on instant messenger..I am so depressed I cant be with her!!!!! I was doing so damn good for a while there..but I guess I was just not thinking about it and dealing. now Im thinking too much, hurting too much. I want to just talk to her..! I want to know if she is missing me..thinking of me. I hate when I stir up emotions I really have no control over. I hate having no control over the fact I love this girl, and cant be with her!!!! this is sick. tonight is going to be a loooong night at work. ugh. :(
  15. i was going to say its been a long day....

    but its been a long life!

    and its only geting longer

    hey sensi....a girl i once knew used to say that all love is unrequited...

    she was in love with a butiful woman....who used her

    and was left alone.....

    than a man came along and fell in love with her tho she did not provoke him

    and he never tuched her

    he only loved her to be near her

    to know her

    and one day he was gone...dead......

    and all she could think to say was how she never even got to boff him!

    what this has to do with anything i dont know?
  16. i want to light my ex gf's pubes on fire and dance them out...

    if that provides any relief for anyone..then yay:D
  17. yes norm, it did actually lighten the mood up for me two months ago when I cried about this crap. lol, it is still funny tho..:)
  18. yeah man, totally hit it, but dont fuck it up, or you'll look stupid, and then have to walk home at really early in the moring with a stiff, and if you have a stiffy and stoned, and trying to walk in the dark its not easy, but i wouldnt know from experiance
  19. Walking in the dark being stoned is sometimes difficult. That's how I managed to run into the side of the house one night. Yes, I am a dumbass!
  20. i remember back in the day, when i began smoking, it was getting dark, and it was fall and shit. so i was trying to smoke this lumpy, joint i rolled, and then all of the leafs on the ground became like one of those 'i spy' pictures, and i was seeing stuff in the leafs, totally crazy

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