So this is not my first grow, but all other times I have use 0 stress training aka I feed and harvest. Now tho I have this dilemma that my room has exploded on the 2th week of flowering (the first popcorn buds have appeared), and is in dire need of trimming. But I have never trimmed before tbh and I'm scared that I'll start new vegging period or something worse, if I unleash snip-snap craze on my poor girls. Is it safe to get rid of the lower tooth picks and those huge shadowing fan leaves? Also I grow on under huge custom leds so thats 1 reason it would be better to only leave top branches. Thanks!
How far along in flower are you? That craps a myth. I strip my plants before I flip to flower and again at 2 weeks into flower. And then I selectively defoliate a leaf or two a day all throughout flower. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Thanks for response and sorry for taking this long to come b to check. I think i'm now somewhere between weeks three and four.
Check out “grand master level” on YouTube. He defoliates the hell out of his plants and he swears by it. Plants literally look like naked branches after he’s done.