should i move out?

Discussion in 'Forum Tech Questions, Problems and Troubleshooting' started by ninja blaze, May 9, 2013.

  1. #1 ninja blaze, May 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2013
    im thinking about moving out i wrk as a security guard make 9.50 an hr and i work about at least 25 hours (usually 30-40) a week im still living with my mom but im getting sck of not being able to smoke or really go out without getting bitched at and many other annoying stuff. Im probably gonna try to save up about 1-5k do you think thats good enough to move into say a 2br (bed room) with rent about maybe 1000-1600 im most likely gonna find a roomate or something if none of my friends wanna move out but ill cross that road once i have the money saved up and ready to buy apartments i live in nyc btw if that helps

    first thread btw :)
  2. You have 11 posts now, why are you posting this in the Forum Tech Questions, Problems and Troubleshooting forum? :p

    If you just recently got your 10+ post limit, you only have to wait up to an hour before being able to make a thread in a more appropriate forum...

    As far as your question, you definitely better find a roommate because affording even 500 dollars rent on a not-quite full time job making less than 10 an hour does not sound like a good idea. :p
  3. You should have a full time job and save up at least 2000
    Also Make sure your roommate is going to be a reliable one.

    If I was in your shoes, personally I wouldn't sign a lease. What I'd do is find a nice month to month deal on craigslist and go from there. At least until you find a job that pay's more and give you more hours.

    Prioritizing Life's Variables and Increase your saving behavior based on age-process renderings of the future self.

    What you need now you might not necessarily need later, such and such.
    For example, whenever you decide to purchase something it has an adverse affect on your future self.

    Our brains dont have as good of an ability to weigh future decisions and scenarios compared to present decisions and scenarios.
    There's ways around this though when it comes to finances.
    Such as a though process of, would you rather have less money now, or more money later?
    Really all it boils down to though is, being frugal.

  4. sorry i was in a rush to post this but thanks you have a point but hopefully they'll give me more hours since ive only started a about a month ago ill probably repost this thread and edit it a lil in a more appropriate section right now

    thanks didnt think about a month to month deal ill deffinately consider that and save up over 2000$

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