Should I help a guy whos dry I met at the gym?

Discussion in 'General' started by Live_Life, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. #1 Live_Life, Dec 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2013
    Okay blades so here's why I'm even asking this question because there's a twist to it. So today I'm in the sauna and my friend calls me up and I start talking about bud and tonight's plans not caring about the guy next to me,when I say "alright bro be in my place in 45 it's me you Ashley and Stephanie" and the guy says out loud "and (his name)" which was funny, so of course I talked to him and he started telling me about how he's dry and just got off probation (reason I'll tell in a sec and is the twist) because of bullshit and we just small talk for a bit, turns out this guy was a wrestler for some big companies and was even on a vh1 reality show etc etc overall real cool guy. So the reason he was on probation was because he had a huge party and a ton of people came, well one of the girls he fucked that night looked older than she was and was actually 16 and backfired when she tried to sue him for a lot of money with her mom. Now he fucked her twice once in Atlanta after a big event he was in and when she came to Florida so idk if he straight up didn't know or what. I googled him read the articles "orlando wrestler charged with blah blah" it got pretty big but I verified the show and everything. Now he owns a big wrestling center downtown and I met his girlfriend who was banginnnnn and is a wrestler too. So blades what do you think of this whole situation? Think I should help him out? Seemed like a cool guy.
  2. No..He fucked a kid..
  3. Hell yeah. I say smoke ol' buddy out.
  4. Seems like a cool guy indeed. Help a brotha out, never know, might return the favor eventually.
  5. Alright he just texted me I'll let me guy know, blades if you see my avatar pic on milk cartons across America saying missing.... Remember me ;_;
    16 is the age of consent in many states
    Just sayin  :hide:
  7. Wait 16 is underage in America? 16 is legal in most places. But yeah don't see why you shouldn't help out. 
  8. yeah man help him out its no big deal you can usually just walk up to people and straight up ask if they know where to get bud
  9. Make a post tomorrow afternoon central time so that we know you're alive. Blades look out for each other.
  10. Just wondering, what is/was his stage name?
  11. Just help him out, the girl fucked up his life...... and i assume the sex between your mate and the girl was with consent, so yeah,
    And for the guy who said he fucked a kid, i assume you live in one of these moron states that the age of consent is 18 or even 21 or some shit...... 16 is the age of consent everywhere (except for some losers countries or states)
  12. Do it if you can get in on his parties
  13. He totally wants to fuck you dude. First 16 year olds, now men from saunas
  14. [quote name="Omega369" post="19152510" timestamp="1386910990"]He totally wants to fuck you dude. First 16 year olds, now men from saunas[/quote]Lol. Nah he made some bad choices and now wants bud. Yes I would but bring a friend.
    Ten seconds on google tells me that his name is Chasyn Rance. Just call me Sherlock. The first article I saw on him introduced him as, "Chasyn Rance, a convicted sex offender..."
    Reminds me of another sex offender I know of.
    Go ahead and hook him up, OP. His past actions are definitely sketchy but if he seems like a cool guy now, give him the benefit of the doubt.
  16. he has a wrestling gym. you met his girl.
    so clearly not a cop?
    help em out
  17. [quote name="AR Toasty" post="19152563" timestamp="1386911735"]Ten seconds on google tells me that his name is Chasyn Rance. Just call me Sherlock. The first article I saw on him introduced him as, "Chasyn Rance, a convicted sex offender..."Reminds me of another sex offender I know of.[​IMG]Go ahead and hook him up, OP. His past actions are definitely sketchy but if he seems like a cool guy now, give him the benefit of the doubt.[/quote]Oh you little rascal you! But yeah that's him.

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