Should I grind up weed that is not entirely dried yet?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by monstaro, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. it still has that different smell. itll be ready in a day or two to smoke but im eager to grind it up now and put it in my dugout. will this affect the strength?
  2. You should let it finish drying then let it cure for 3 or more weeks. It's definitely worth the wait for a smoother and better tasting smoke. Without a cure it will smell like grass and be harsh.
  3. even if i dont smoke it?
  4. Why grind it up now if your not going to smoke it now?
  5. cause i would like to fill up one dug out. i have no problem saving it i would just like to do it now so i was curios
  6. It will not affect potency, but it will taste like shit.
  7. i believe you can sum it down to:

    Drying helps get the most potency out of

    Curing helps get the most flavor out of

    You definetely want to dry it properly, curing it, mmm, i understand the eagerness. Its your harvest so do what you want. However it woudl be wise to set apart some and do it properly and smoke for yourself to find the differences..

    You dont wanna spoil it now do you...

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