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should i go to my dads house? or go to sleep

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by soserious, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. at my house. the powers out. my phones about to die. I'm super high.

    my dad has power. if I go over there and sleep I can smoke more and watch movies and munch out.

    I gotta catch the bus and sleep on the floor tho.

    or I can go to sleep now. what do I do?
  2. and I'm gonna have to go tomorrow anyway to charge my phone
  3. Test out your visual memory skills and like play back a porno in your head to flick your bean to.
  4. IMO I'd go over my dad's house. When your coming down, get hella baked and enjoy yourself. Or maybe thats because I haven't blazed in a while.
  5. People really use this forum for menial decision making?

    What a waste of thread space. Make a decision yourself, you child.
  6. Yea dude hit up your dad, ask him to match, and watch a funny ass movie
  7. Go to pappy's crib son, you'll be glad you did:cool:

    Edit: I'm a bit late for this meeting, sorry fellas:eek:
  8. [quote name='"isthisreallife"']People really use this forum for menial decision making?

    What a waste of thread space. Make a decision yourself, you child.[/quote]

    Totally necessary dude. I'm sure the many "got caught" threads, along with the "drug tests" and "I hate/love blunts/joints" threads would have fit in a lot better :rolleyes:
  9. I wouldn't sleep on a bus, especially not blazed.

  10. i was thinking the same thing too, but honestly i dont really care what people decide to ask on here. im sure there are some people that enjoy these types of threads or that enjoy making them, and although i dont, i can set aside my own menial opinion about these menial questions because really who the fuck am i to tell people what they can ask? were all just decaying physical life bodies all destined to the same ominous and unknown fate of death where none of the trivial and nonsensical shit we do, think, or ask is going to mean absolute shit. Even in the saga of your own physical earth-life will this mean absolutely nothing to yourself or those who ask, later becoming nothing but a lapse of humility and temper-that which due to such little importance is also meaningless and unnecessary. So what does one little question hurt in the grand scheme of things? let him ask, i dont give a shit.
  11. Go blaze at your dads
  12. Go to your dads
  13. You seem like that really deep guy that everyone gets tired of listening to. Just sayin'

  14. Not really, I'm just baked as Fuck

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