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should i go to college in california?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. #1 KushSmokaa, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    im in 11th grade and i turned 18 last month [i got held back in kindergarten cuz i missed the cut off by like a month] and i have to start applying to colleges soon. im from new jersey and i really hate it, the weather sucks, the people are rude, and i just want to go to college in another state.

    im sure everybody from the east coast thinks about this because all the songs and movies make california seem like a dream land but i just dont want to live in new jersey and california colleges might be better then around here? the thing is ive never been to cali but my parents used to live there and told me it was fun and they moved back because they were homesick [fucking bummer] i wish they stayed in cali because everybody from there stays in california, when do you here about somebody from california moving to new jersey because they dont like it there?

    im probably going on vacation there this summer so should i apply to california schools before i see it? i just dont like it here in new jersey but im scared about making friends, and finding a new hookup if i go all the way across the country, thanks and let me know if anyone else moved from there small town to california for college or whatever else and tell me how they liked it but dont tell me if you moved because your a musician or actor because i want to move there for college and maybe live there after who knows.

    Edit - not to mention In N Out looks fucking delicious.
  2. Go to college wherever, college is it's own little bubble it's not that different anyway. California has plenty of good schools, just do some research
  3. Every kid from the east coast wants to go to college in California. I am in the same position as you are btw. Anyways, unless you are wealthy DO NOT go to Cali it's very expensive. Also, it is harder to get into the mediocre california schools if you are from out of state. The education you could get here, for the most part, would be better than in Cali. That's true unless you have extremelly good grades.
  4. Finding hookups won't be a problem once you make new friends. I'm sure you're not the only one that's gonna be at that college from somewhere else and others will have the same problem as you. If you think you would like the college then try to get a tour of the College on your vacation.

  5. Fucking truth. Rent, food, taxes, everything is more expensive in cali. I understand wanting to get away from the cold, but maybe try Texas? Good schools, way cheaper then cali, very very mild winters. Austin is very pro-weed, as long as you aren't in BumfuckTown TX with a population of 700 TX can be pretty sweet
  6. nah i wouldnt like texas to hot, its not neccasarily that i hate the cold i just hear cali is really nice in the winter but texas seems way to hot.

    i wanted to go to colorado also, my cousin goes to a school in denver and she said thats its a really small "cute" town[shes a girl] and i dont want to be in a small cute town lol i was thinking of boulder? it would probably be to drastic to go that far away for me being from a small new jersey town.

    or vermont? whats a good college in vermont? i used to go on vacation to vermont and my other cousin goes there and he said its really nice but hes also into skiing and im not but then he said cops dont care if your drunk as long as your under control [underage drinkers that is] and he didnt say anything about the weed laws, but im not going to college because of weed laws but it would be nice to be in a state where im not gonna get jailed for some bud and lose my loans.

    so colorado, vermont? help lol

  7. Medical Marijuana?
  8. I moved to Cali 13 years ago from Maryland. I love it. It is really crowded out here. And the people aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack. It used to really annoy me how slow people are. It takes forever for someone to order food at a fast food restaurant. And everyone driving around in their SUVs with their heads up their asses. But since I got my MMJ card I don't get annoyed anymore. I just do everything as slow as everyone else. The weather, the landscape and the girls are great. And if you become a resident in Ca. school is a lot cheaper than almost any other state. Definitely worth a try.
  9. I get six free years to any uc school but i dont think i can get into it and ya cali is pretty cool but also pretty overated. IF you want a place thats friendly with wed try the pacific northwest.
  10. #10 Entourage420, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    Only real schools in vermont I know are Middlebury and UVM.

    Buddies at both schools who love em.

    What sort of grades and Extracurriculars do you have? AP classes, GPA. class size/rank etc.?

    Because you gotta be realistic with the selectivity of schools. But weird shit can happen ike I got rejected from my first choice and got accepted into an even better 2nd choice school.

    If you're interested in elite liberal arts schools like middlebury, you gotta know that they are pricey (tho fin aid is doable), but believe me i go to one.
  11. ya i was thinking of seattle because i love it there, just seems like it would get boring fast since im not really the liberal artsy type [im not hating on that type, im really open minded im just not like good at music or art and seattle seemed like it was all about music]
  12. UVM is not that hard to get into, middlebury is a sick fucking school, you need great grades though.
  13. Ya Im looking at Seattle to but Im just not sure I really have my eyes set on Northern Arizona Universty, my sis goes there and its pretty bad ass up in the mountains and alot of hippies and stuff.
  14. i didnt read your post but im answering the question in the title....


    im from Long island NY and i know a bunch of ppl who moved out there for school and they say it was the best decision they ever made
  15. did you move out there? or your just telling me cuz your friends like it, not that theres anything wrong with it, thats what i wanted to hear people like it out there, i just think it would be a big move moving all the way out to cali from jersey
  16. ya i live in cali i was born here and i am closer to 40 than 30 and the cost of living is ridiculous out here especially for a college student so that is something you seriously need to consider, and that is on top of all of the student loan and or financial aid issues that you may or may not have , so you might seriously wanna consider other options. Colorado has some great party schools that also have medical MJ , granted your first priority should be quality of education but the point i am getting at is Cali has not cornered the market in anything, no matter where you go check it out first go there
  17. Im going to ucla(freshman) right now and the weathers amazing, the bud is high grade and inexpensive with alllll the dispensaries around. out of state would be a hell of a lot more expensive though, im gettin a ton of financial aid
  18. Stay in state and save a shit ton of money. Don't focus your decison on the pot either. this is your future,

    you should go to the college you want to wherever it be though.
  19. ya my parents told me that New Jersey and California are really expensive, and in most states college is cheaper if you are a resident of the state the college is in but new jerseys like one of the only states that doesnt offer that so if i were to go to college in new jersey it wouldnt be because of price and since i dont want to stay in jersey it doesnt seem worth it to me. if you get what im saying lol

    Edit: after i was done posting i saw Buttery's post so this goes to him also because i explain why staying in new jersey would only be worth it to be around my family but financially it isnt.
  20. Having lived there, I'd definately look into Colorado. You'll get a taste of every season and its the healthiest state in the country. The Denver area is great if you like the bigger city, while Boulder's good for the college scene. If you want a taste of the desert try the Western Slope where you can find the best rock climbing I've experienced. No matter where you go in CO, you will find amazing bud. Don't worry about In 'N Out Burger. You're not missing anything but over hyped hamburgers.

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