ok im going to get my first tattoo this summer and i think im goin to get this.. i want it for two reasons A: i am a leo 2: i am a fan of bob marley so what do you guys think and where should i get it?
imo, that would be a really bad lookin tat maybe try like a chill outline of bob on one shoulder/arm/appendage and then like a lion or symbol for a leo on the opposite appendage. just a thought
I'm not one to talk because i have one of the worst tats in history on my left wrist,but give it some thought, do you think you will want to rep the marley head for the rest of your days? If so and its what you like go for it, fuck what others think. However IMO i don't like the design for a tattoo, its a cool picture but im not a huge fan of realistic face images in tattoos.
bob marley is fucking great and I say if you really want it, get it. wherd. It'd be a cool tat to show at parties
yea im a fan of the black and grey tattoos personally. but i mean i dont like bob marley just because he is a pot icon. i enjoy his music very much as well. and i think it would b better than to get a pointless tat that means nothing you know. this one would mean something to me you know
^^ nahh i found that pic on google lol as for the will u like it at 70 comment... i'll cross that bridge when i get to it haha. i mean it's not like im goin to go from a leo to a scorpio or something
who gives a fuck, why does everyone say that? it's just a tattoo, it's not MEANT for when you're 70 that said, I've never really understood the obsession with bob marley, so I'd never even consider getting a tat like that. I wouldn't get any tats of anybody's face, just not my style. but ultimately it's your own skin, do what you want with it and everyone else can just fuck off. they don't have to live in it..
If you need to ask other people if you should get a tat, you should wait on it. Make sure that you really want it for you. That way, even if other people think it's dumb or stupid (aka pot leaf on the thigh) it still satisfies you.
well ive been thinking about getting it since december and ive talked to both of my rents and they both like it so im thinkin im gonna get it in july or august i'll post pics when i get it.
I say you get something that means more to you. The tattoos I have aren't seen anywheres else except on me.
oh, so does it magically disappear when you're 70? i'm pretty sure it's meant for when you're... um, til youre dead or get it lasered off. i'll have to double check though.
I think he meant that you should live for today and not worry about what is going to be in 50 years time
not if you have to ask if you should. if youre getting a tattoo fuck what other people think if its something you really like get it.