This bubbler looks kinda decent. Me and my buddy just got our two bongs stolen so were just going to buy a smaller pipe like it and this one looks almost perfect. I was just wondering if anybody owns this one and knows if it A: Rips well with decently smooth smoke. B: Does the bowl also cherry, well? If anybody also just knows any things about this pipe, well thank you for you help anywho, and smoke on. Fumed Bubbler - Coloured and Fumed Bubblers - Bubblers - Colored & Color Changing Glass - Smoking Pipes -
This ones more portable and looks sooooo much sicker. If I could have it shipped here its the one I would get, but state laws n stuff...fucked me on that dream yuh know? Glass Hammer Handpipe - Mini Headie w/ Cane Reversals - Choice of 2 colors - Hammers - Colored & Color Changing Glass - Smoking Pipes -
Not really a fan of bubblers but that's a nice looking piece, I'm sure it cherrys fine just like a normal piece
if your not a fan of bubblers, dont get a bubbler. Just get a mini bong/gong. Also, you dont want it to cherry man...your just wasting bud then. You wanna spark it, take your hit, and make sure its out lol.
I think the piece still plays a part. Did anyone notice those two kids posted the same thing word for word haha.