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should i get detox

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DaNgK D, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. well i smoked 16 days straight somtimees multiple times a day always dro, i have 12 days till my test its for probation, i weigh 125 and im 5'9 ima skinny dude i bought a test to test my self days before but what it i pass that but possibly fail the real test?? is it possible on the test i bought its fda approved and was 15 bucks, any body experience with this?
  2. I heard that cranberry pills and drink a ton of REAL Cranberry Juice works. I don't have experience with thc tests tho.
  3. Just drink a shit ton of cranberry juice or water and then take half a pill of vitamin B-2 30min before your drug test. Also do the whole midstream thing. don't waste your money on detox
  4. yea that is exactly what i was thinking not waste money on the stupid detox, i guess ima start chugging:ey:

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