I smoke from a glass pipe weekly and read the forums often and have become interested in the benefits of a vaporizer. Basically, I've got about $500 and thought a vap would be the best bet because I'm a stealth smoker that likes to stay fit and don't like inhaling the smoke. The only problem is that I've never smoked from a vap and won't be able to unless I buy one (no friends use one). Would it be risky to go straight for the top quality (volcano) or would that be the best bet because I don't want to spend $100 on something that will break within a few years.
You may not even like vapor (many people don't), so I'd suggest starting with one that doesn't cost very much to see if you like it first. Suggestion....The Magic Flight Launch Box.........which btw, has a lifetime full replacement warranty. 100 bucks. If you want to go less, for say half the amount of money, check out the VaporGenie. The VG was my very first vape.........but then, that was before there ever was such a thing as a Launch Box. Hell, the LaunchTube wasn't even invented yet.
If you don't like smoke it's perfect, it's healthier, you're mostly inhaling THC with a little bit of smoke with a lot less carcinogens, you also need less weed. I however am not a fan, cause I like the smoke, you get a faint taste of weed from the vaporizers compared to when your using a pipe or smoking a joint. Less damage to your lungs is the plus of getting it.
..what kind of vaporizer did you use sir? Vaporizers supply a huge taste of whatever your vaporizing compared to smoking, thats why a lot of people prefer vaporizing because they can actually taste what they are inhaling. When your vaporizing your inhaling vaporized thc, cannabinoids and Turpenoids, among other things. When you vaporizer there is No smoke, unless you turn the heat up past the point of combustion after that it starts burning and releasing benzene and co2. But you are correct about using less weed.
The one I've used belongs to a friend, so I wouldn't know what kind, wood, has a stone heating element, short glass bubble piece, and with a tube to smoke from. I don't deny theres taste, I just have weak taste buds and it's more like oh... My mouth tastes like weed
I would reccomend finding a friend/acquantince with one and try it a few times to see if you like. Defiently don't drop more than $175 on your first vape too. Gotta decide what style you want...I reccomend a whip-style, I have one and love it. Perfect for 1-4 people!
I'd get da buddha and a nice tube to vape through if i was you.. Like a straight tube zob or something and save the rest for a big sack of bud to break both your new pieces in
I would say yes , definatly. Vaporizers are the future. I never tried one but I´ve read so much good feedback about them (specially the volcano), and I´m looking forward to get a cano within this year.
Go with Da Buddah or Vapor Bros or if you feel like spending a bit more, Extreme Q. If you're strictly looking at ultimate efficiency, look at Purple Days (backordered for a long time I believe) or MyrtleZap (available). They are both the same design. The MyrtleZap I've tried got me ripped off of 3 of the .025 gram stems.
Thanks for all the help guys! I've decided on getting Da Buddha and will post my results once it gets here!
Glad to see you've decided to get a vape.. I will be ordering da buddha next week also.. I'm getting a bong attachment too .. The superbowl party will be epic
Just a suggestion for you, I found the best deals to be on ebay. Got a silver one with everything included (including the warranty) for $160. Not bad considering that most web sites were wanting 180+ because they were giving additional "bonus" items like shitty grinders.
usually on ebay..they are offering shitty grinders..its best to make sure the seller your going through or the website is an authorized seller so that they will honor the warranty on the product.