Should I file police report?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Philmeister, May 21, 2011.

  1. Today I was at my friend's apartment and we were outside because my friend wanted to smoke a cigarette. So we were just chilling and suddenly we see a car speed by at like 30mph (the speed limit inside the apartment complex is 10mph!) and we hear a little kid screaming.

    The car pulled over further down the street and from the balcony we could still see him. We see 1 adult and 1 little boy (about 7 years old) get out. The father yelled at his son and told him to get out of the car and walk back to the apartment XX (wherever he lived). Then he speeds off. The little boy cried at the top of his lungs.

    After like 1 min the same guy came back and pulled over where the son still was sitting and crying. He FORCED him back into the car, yelling at him stuff like: "What the fuck is wrong is you????" Just stuff that you shouldn't do to a 7 year old, or anyone!
    I was about to call the cops on him but I didn't get his plate number because it all happened too far away. I could drive through the apartment complex though and identify his car and write down his plate numbers.
    I hate people who beat their kids..

    Should I call the cops and file a police report??
    I would like to stay anonymous though so should I call Crime Stoppers??
    Any advice and help would be appreciated :wave:
  2. Call the police and report as an anonymous reporter, kids don't deserve to be treated like that.
  3. Get his plates and call crime stoppers.

    Hopefully at the least they'll run his plates, find his address and send someone over from child protection services to check everything out.
  4. Yeah, you can't just let something like that pass, if you're the only person that knows about it, you're the only person that can help and possibly save that poor kid.

    And its up to you whether you want to do it anonymously or not. There may be some kind of reward involved, but if it was me, I'd give the reward to the kid :)

    *'ill be honest, i'd give most of the reward to the kid but i'd save enough for 1/8 :)*

  5. I would really need money right now but i'm not in for the reward.
  6. I don't know if I'd give the reward to a 7 year old kid
    "Hey, I just sent your dad to jail but here's some cash!"

    But, I think you should call the cops, it sounds pretty serious
  7. Mind your own business you don't know the whole story maybe the kid was acting like an a-hole. Also you never saw this adult lay a hand on the child. There is a difference between yelling at a kid and beating one.

  8. I didn't see him actually punch him, but as they were driving by, the kid was in the passenger seat and the dad covered the child's mouth with his hand. (The kid's head went down so he was laying there and the dad still covered his mouth).
    When I said "forced into the car" in OP, I meant that he grabbed the kid by neck and pushed him inside the car.
    He didn't punch him, but he did "laid hand on him".

    So is that still considered child abuse?

  9. It comes down to you man, don't listen to the asshat saying mind your own business, if you feel the situation warranted a need to advocate for the child then do it, more often then not if you feel something is wrong then it is.
  10. it sound like the kid was just being a brat for not getting his way. but if thats true than chiled services will understand that. if its not true than they will take appropriate measures. call the cops for sure and tell them you saw this kid crying at the top of his lungs and his dad yelled at him and put him in his car. the cops will at least go to his house and ask questions
  11. One child beater has posted in this thread^

    The kid might have been the "a-hole" really? REALLY? More like:

  12. as person who was abused severly as a child I can tell you that you have no clue what the hell you are talking about. verbal abuse is still abuse. and it is just as scaring as physical abuse. that shit will fuck you up and brain wash you into thinking that you are the piece of shit that they tell you they are.

    Op pls do the kid a favor and make the call to the local child welfare services. chances are you only saw a small scale of what that poor kid is probibly living through.
  13. id file a report. but honestly if i saw that or any form of abuse especially like like spousal i wouldnt stand idly by that man would have gotten fucked up.
  14. Definitely make a report. Even if they can't do anything, at least you tried you know.

  15. Its not funny but I cracked up at this, and yes file a report.
  16. Way to many busy bodies everywhere as it is, just what we need more of them. Example, I saw this guy smoking what appeared to be a joint so I called the police to report him. Turns out after they raided his house shot his dog and pointed guns in faces of his family, I was mistaken come to find out he was just smoking a cigarette. See my point. BTW anyone who harms a child needs to die a horrible, slow, fiery death, is my position clear on child abuse!

  17. lol what dude? yelling at a child is not a crime sorry....mind your own business

  18. yeah foreal maybe the kids sleeping with the dudes wife id shout at some bitch ass 7 year old if he was banging my wife damn
  19. Ummmm...regardless of what the kid did that's no way to treat him. It's over the top.

    Clearly dad has problems. Honestly I would report it but that's because I've know too many people that got beat/verbally abused as a child and I see how the effect carry into adulthood.
  20. Wait a minute...that was child abuse?

    I got treated like that as a kid if I was being a bitch. My parents spanked the shit out of me in public places. Used force to move me around if I was being a stubborn bastard. Words weren't minced because I was a child. I love and have always loved my parents with all my heart, I don't consider it child abuse.

    Mind your business, you don't know the whole story.

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