should i even bother? advice needed.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by bluntmastaj, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. #1 bluntmastaj, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    alright where to start i have an ex-gf lets call her k.. well just a couple days ago i was on my way home from running errands and picking up some medicine ( i am a nevada medical patient) im minding my own business borrowing my fathers 91' metal tank suburban that takes about 10 mins to even get 85 with a 454 ci block in it. I see in my rear view mirror a silver 06 mustang non gt with the plate Diggyz with a huge hustler H in red on his right back windhshield and hustler in red cursive on bottom left back windshield. this guy was on my ass like white on rice.... im going 75 on the free way on a nice chill day... i try to move over this fuck follows me and tailgates.... then cuts me off.. all of a sudden this guy is following me home because i was trying to switch lanes and he tried to cut me off and i just moved lanes... He follows me off an exit tries yelling at me .. flashes this tiny little metal thing at
    me and im like whatever dude shut up ill call the cops on you for following me for no reason... i wanted to stop for a pack of swishers and i didnt get to cause this queer... turned out this guy was a cop and was the most unprofessional one i have ever seen i make a complaint with the department blah blah blah.. i tell my K what happened to me i tell her im gonna get swishers cause i wasnt able to stop.. K says okay.. doesnt wanna come with me hwatever cool.. i go to the smoke shop come back 10 mins later and K comes downstairs after being with my sister and says what took you an hour to get swishers.. i say it didnt take that long and she started getting mad at me.. i said why are you getting upset at something that isnt even worth argueing about... k then proceeds to call me an asshole i dont care im a jerk ( the verbal abuse was a normal thing) she told me that i never cared and didnt want a relationship with her cause i wouldnt move out of my parents house, ( i havent had a job in awhile due to the fact i gave it up so my parents could work and we could live in our house while i took care of my dieing grandmother R.I.P for 3-4 years , i am 20 now) i explained why that wasnt fair she didnt agree... while we were argueing she saw i was stuffing a swisher with 3g's more than half of what i had gotten for that day. she decides she wants to slam the door and completely knocks all my weed on the floor... i finally got upset and called k a stupid bitch and a cunt... she turns around after walking away and slamming a door in my face to get back up in my face and yells and then slaps me (?!?!? never had done this before her mom was an abusive parent and she did not believe in violence) and then just walks away... I held myself back from doing something stupid.. and then she goes to tell me that i have an anger problem and that this is why we could never be together.... (?!?!?!?!) she slapped me and i have the anger problem? Should i even be civil with this person if they are gonna be like that? please all advice is welcome

    some off duty cop that he was the shit and tried to harass me and miserable failed...
    ex-gf gets mad because i took 10mins to get swishers...
    get into an arguement because i dont care about her blablahbalh
    she slaps me in the face... then tells me i have an anger problem?
    what to do?
  2. Could be because it's 3 am....but god damn.... smoked that blunt to the face, right?
  3. about 5 blunts to the face lol
  4. Then it sounds like everything worked out in the end. Where is the ex, now?
  5. ...You killed her, didn't you.
  6. Sounds like the bitch has issues mang. Maybe chill away from her for a while if you can. Good job keeping your cool, even though she deserved a slap back, the law wouldn't be on your side.
  7. lol just playin man, but seriously, find a new chick
  8. pm'sing? but she should understand why you took long, she's bitching for no reason prolly grumpy,it was late at night she just needed her beauty sleep, but if you want to continue a relationship with this girl tell her about the violence isn't acceptable and if she doesn't wanna understand you from there just get a new chick.
  9. I'd be like fuck you bitch you aint shit, then slap her ass and be like ,"you were only booty call and thats is all you ever will be, fuckin skanky ass bitch!"
  10. all the bitches be hypocrites nowadays.
    my ex said i treated her bad. which was total shit, (took her flowers, never talked back etc.)
    she kept bitching at me for nothing, and so i dumped that bitch. than she's all like, no..but i love you..and all that typical bullshit. and i was just like no. AND THAN, she starts telling everyone i hit her and shit. and she dumped me cuz i lied to her about doing a bunch of drugs. (i quit for her) and she proceeded to talk shit. so i proceeded to tell her off, I even went and took a fucking drug test, came out negative and shoved it in her face and everyone elses. she proceeded to cry and told everyone the truth that SHE lied. and i'm just like thats right bitch. and smoked a well deserved fatass blunt.
  11. #12 bluntmastaj, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    its been a couple days now since this had happened... and shes going around the friends that she hated some much and is telling them i want her back? lol she saying it was acceptable... her own sister is saying to her she is making a big mistake... she says she would never take me back to people , that's when i thought ... What made you think i wanted you back? There is mo pussy in the sea... and hopefully not as stinky and pissy as this pussy was!!:hello: smoke up!!:smoke:
  12. fuck that bitch..

    no literally, FUCK that bitch, she'll shut her filthy mouth then
  13. I think the term "Crazy Bitch" really applies here. When anyone asks you about it, just tell them that she broke up with you because you took 10 minutes to get some Swishers. Then say she's a crazy bitch.
  14. I'm guessing the are more stories like this one, which is why she is already an ex-g/f
  15. LOL thats what all my friends told me she got mad over you taking 10 mins for swishers? lol
  16. She's fucking crazy. Seems like she earned the title of ex-girlfriend.

    Tell her good luck finding a dude who can put up with her drama queen nonsense.

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