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Should I ditch?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Azulu, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. #1 Azulu, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Hey GC

    So basically here is my situation:

    I got a really bad income since I don't have a job yet (Paper Boy... $45 every 2 weeks), so I can only buy 8-9 grams every two weeks. Anyways, basically I can't smoke at home and I have to smoke at my friend Eric's. He doesn't mind because it's free weed for him. He does buy his own weed sometimes but it's like only a ten sack every month give or take. This I don't have a HUGE problem with. Sure I would like to smoke at my house so I could conserve a little but that is currently out of my control. The thing is, he is a huge fiend it seems like, on top of that he can be a bitch sometimes because say I leave a pack of zig-zags there, I think "Oh well I get it tomorrow", but he stole like 4-6 papers and I can't get them that often because I have no form of ID currently. So okay, maybe I can let that slide, but I also find him fucking up all my smaller shit. Like he goes in my book bag when I'm sleeping there and steals like full packs of gum, or cuts pictures out of my game informer (Normally I wouldn't care but it was the one with the top 200 games). Sure maybe I seem childish but he also has no hospitality for his home or my weed.
    I don't have anywhere else I could smoke, but I feel like one day shit's going to get real and I'm going to beat in his skull.

    Anyways, GC I will be moving out of my parents house in 2 years, should I learn to live with it or should I start smoking in the woods or something?

    Edit:Just turned 18, October 18th. So chill. And being 18 only means I'm a legal adult. Not mental ;]

    Sorry for my rant.
  2. I'd smoke in the woods. :p
  3. Your friend is a fucking punk, I have never done shit like that for my bros if they smoked me out id feed em dinner or bring the muchies. That kid is a punk. What ever you do just make sure its a safe place dont take chances on getting caught, its never worth the high.
  4. To me it seems like you're having little UNDERAGE kid problems.
    Not having an ID? Anyone over 18 is sure to have one, most people are smarter than that.
    It just simply sounds like you're not over 18 and are having trouble and don't know how to explain it without the mod's finding out you're not 18. :p


    But on the other hand;
    simply stated,
    don't smoke at his house no more?
    find a spot close to your house?
    maybe get a sneak-a-toke?
    go outside when you're parents are busy or not there and smoke?
    figure something out,
    you DON'T have to go anywhere but your own home to blaze,
    that is, if you're old enough though.
  5. #5 Azulu, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Shit. I've been taking that for months. I tried talking to my other friends about it but no one ever backed me up. It's mainly cause he sucks up to everyone. But thanks for that, it makes me feel like 10x better. Time to go to the woods ;o In a little bit at least I'm so fucking lazy.


    I don't have an ID because my mother is too poor, and my father wants me to earn it. My father knows I smoke but it's an agreement: He will let me live in his house rent free if I don't smoke there. Trust me it's a deal.
  6. Yea lil kid probs....i remember whn i was in middle school and everyone would steal my tips and tricks mags, I would want to beat their skull in too. haha. anyways just wanted to say smoking in the woods is the shit, give it a try then go hiking or sit on a stomp stare at nature you might find it more uplifiting then playing video games at your "friends" house falling asleep, only to wake up to find your gum is missing and you have wholes in your gamer mag :smoking:

  7. FML, I do sound like a little kid.

  8. true dat
  9. I would get more then one friend to smoke with.
  10. Guys he is asking for help, so instead of screaming trying to get him banded lets offer some helpful suggestions, fuck. Just start smoking in the woods if its close by, lol. You could build a bad ass smoke fort or tree house. Ok now I sound like a kid, but serious how fucking coool would it be to have a tree house to smoke the herb with all ur buddies man that would be dope.
  11. anyone else out there perfer to smoke alone? dont get me wrong, i enjoy passing the bong around talk bout crazy shit but alot of times i just like to have me time ya know? get high watch a movie, sit in my rocking chair listening to music ect. pretty therapeutic
  12. ^ Every monday, wait, today is monday! Yessssssss
  13. glasscollector if i lived in washington, dude we would roll up a blunt and get started on that tree house...i know you guys got some massive trees out there. What is it about herb makes you want to be a kid again (or is that just me) watching doug/ren and stimpy...pete an pete i love it after i rip a bong
  14. Doug was the SHIT! Best damn cartoon when you're blazed.
  15. YES SIR!...doug was the shit. They just dont make cartoons like that anymore
  16. I had the same problems in my last house, missing gum, condoms, my fucking lock box key, psp, ipod, nice ass suede Minnesota Vikings jacket (I live in Florida, and know NO OTHER Vikings fan, no one else in that house even watched football....come on). Wore my clothes, wore my shoes, stole any shake sitting around my room, picked my door locks....glad I moved out. Now I live with a friend, and can leave all my shit out and not have to worry about anything going missing.Fuck your friend, even if its only minuscule shit stealing is stealing. Treefort FTW
  17. Looks like he is using you for free stuff. Fuck him.
  18. Thanks for all of the support. :)

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