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should i cut or keep

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Youngwildandfree7414, Jul 14, 2017.


Can u tell me male or feame

  1. Male

    0 vote(s)
  2. Or female

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I need help im in cail and i need to kno if this a male of female should i cut or keep

    Attached Files:

  2. Way to early to tell. Looks like its stretching too.
  3. I'd be more concerned about over fertilising and lack of light atm. The leaves looked burned and it has stretched a lot. What nutes are you using? What light have you got? Until you start flower there's no guarantee that it's male or female.

    Sent from my SM-J320FN using Tapatalk
  4. That's not flowers.
    That's new growth.
  5. Unless shes 100% old school sativa she really needs more light my friend, would account for the nute burn too, pure sativa are sensitive to nutes... but still too early to sex, some sativa males stretch like crazy towering over the girls makes spreading his pollen more effective
  6. Thanks
  7. Im just using ph water and. 2 cfl lights im new to this so any avdise is welcome
  8. I just posted more pocs tho check them out
  9. Might just be my computer skills but i cannot see an other photos my friend

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