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Should i be high already?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Iron Dustorm, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. So i read all the cannabutter recipes and decided they were too large for me, i usually only have about 2-5 grams to play with at a time. Good shit, properly fresh stuff, but its pricey so i don't usually buy much. Anyways i didn't strain anything, what i did was

    Cook 1 table spoon (recommended amount for cookies) with about .03 to .05 grams of nice ass Kush (clipped like hell but not really "shredded") I cooked it in butter at 210F for about 30 minutes, let that set in the fridge, didn't like the look/smell (too buttery) of it so recooked it at 230F for same time then stirred while refrigerating till solid.

    After that i just cooked it into some cookies, the weed that remained looked slightly cooked but still green, butter didn't change too much except it smells/tastes different but still looked creamy yellow.

    Anyways this is my first serious forte into cooking, and as a Vape-head who misses the body-high (my Vapor-Bros gives great head highs but it ain't usually chillaxing like smoking, just way too efficient NOT to use)

    I read about straining water out of butter and using 1/2 oz and 2 sticks, but i don't have either of those.

    Hope this works. what does your experience say will happen to me (get high or not?) Anybody else used a method like this. I'm already drunk so its kinda hard to tell if I'm getting high right now, think i should eat one more cookie to make sure its useful/useless.

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