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should i be good to go to a doctor? smoked friday.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by wv dro, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. im afraid to see a doctor. ive been sick the past 2 days. but im afraid of them having me piss in a cup. will thc show up in the test?
  2. R u serious? If your sick then see a doctor, if your over 18 and he wants to drug test you tell him to fuck off and go see a new doctor.
  3. man if ur 16+ (and you SHOULD be 18+) the doctor isnt gonna tell ur parents if thats wat ur afraid and a doctor wont ever call the cops on you lmao

  4. im 18. i was afraid of them reporting me to police......

  5. Why would your doctor want to drug test you? :confused:

  6. Man they don't even screen for thc. Plus, why would he give you a urine test? the chances of you even having to piss are low. He'll probably just throw you on a prescription like everyone else.
  7. doctors dont normally drug test when they test your piss when you sick....your good to go
  8. It would be classified info. If the doctor found THC in your piss, he wont tell anyone and sometimes wont even mention it to you. Hes more interested in fixing you and getting paid than sending you to the cops or parents. Doctors wont say anything
  9. They wouldn't be looking for THC in your piss anyways. You're sick, i doubt they would even make you give them a sample.
  10. everytime ive went to see a doctor they have tested me.
  11. Doctor patient confidentiality.. BE HONEST WITH YOUR DOCTOR, it's fuckin' important. haha
  12. It isn't a drug test they give you. It is for checking kidney function, abnormalities, and your hydration. They might offer a drug test to your parents to pay extra for, but if you're 18, you don't have to worry.

  13. your not going to go to jail because you were sick and your doctor found drugs in your should actually let your doctor know you smoke..i do and he has no complaints as long as its moderation because smokes bad your you anyways

  14. They told you they were giving you a drug test? I'm a medical student and I know for a fact that they will not screen for THC in urine unless your parents ask for it specifically. Since you're 18, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. AND if the doc actually did report you to the police, you would have one nice lawsuit on your hands. Don't worry, you're fine.

  15. False, if you want straight up answers then don't lie to us.

    You are either under 18, or you are feeding us false information

    A doctor will not drug test you unless a parent requests it, making you under 18.
  16. It's illegal to test for anything you haven't asked for, unless you give the doctor permission, he won't be running it for thc, and even if he does it anyway, congratulations you're about to make a shit load of money off of the lawsuit, and considering you can't be arrested for having used marijuana in the past, you'll be fine.

    Now, if you're under 18 and your parents insist on a drug test, you best find some clean piss or try and bribe your doctor.
  17. i know every time i go they have me piss in a cup. i know its not specifically for drugs. but i know i usually go once or twice a year and they do always have me piss in a cup.
  18. I assume you are at least 18 as in accordance with the forum rules :smoke:
    If you are, then you have nothing to fear. A doctor is there to help you, not to get you into trouble. Even if they did for some reason drug test you, they would only offer you support or advice.

    Doctor's have a duty of care and unless your own or another person's life is in immediate danger, it won't leave the doctors office. Your doctor would never inform anyone else, nor would they inform law enforcement agencies.
  19. Like many people have already said, they don't test for drugs of any sort. I was freaking out last summer because I thought that they would d.t. me, but they just tested to see if your urine has anything unhealthy/weird in it.

  20. They only do this for medical purposes. Checking your sodium ion output and things like that. They're just making sure that your kidneys are functioning well and things like that. Believe me, unless you're under 18 you have absolutely nothing to worry about; however, if you're under 18 and your parents are suspicious, they may tip the doctor to screen for THC. If that is the case, your parents are the ones to deal with, not the doctor or the police.

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