should i accept this trade (music gear)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by NFloyd2357, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. i posted a boss ns-2 noise suppressor pedal on CL for $40 - a guy offered me $40, or to give me an Orange Crush 10w amp straight trade. I have a sick fender bassman amp, but its loud - i could use a nice small amp (i have a crappy small amp). Is this amp pretty decent where its worth it? I know the trade is fair, just not sure if i would want that amp, or the $40. Any suggestions? particularly anyone who has played this amp? I usually only like tube amps but i've heard good things about this
  2. seems pretty sweet if you get an amp out of the deal man, specially if you arent selling just because you NEED money. fender bassmans are nice tho...
  3. I'd go with the 40$ only because u already got a decent amp. You could proably get some decent bud or something for 40$.
  4. I wouldnt do it unless you absolutely need a small amp and yours is really as bad as you say. what kind is your small amp if you dont mind me asking? but back to the question, yea unless you have one of those little amps that come with the starter packs its not much of an upgrade at all so i would take the cash and put it towards something else

  5. well , only my backup small amp is shitty - i have an unbelievable amp, a fender bassman, but its sometimes too loud to use.

    regardless, for anyone interested, i just took the money

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