Hello All: This is my first post and I've decided to come out with a humdinger... Should cops be able to use MMJ? Personally, I say sure why not. I live in Alaska and according to our regs: Title 13 Public Safety Part 6 Alaska Police Standards Council Chapter 85 Minimum Standards for Police, Probation, Parole, Correctional, and Municipal Correctional Officers Article 1 Minimum Standards for Police Officers 13 AAC 85.110. Revocation of certificates (a) The council will, in its discretion, revoke a basic, intermediate, or advanced certificate upon a finding that the holder of the certificate 2) has, after hire as a police officer, (A) used marijuana; (B) illegally used or possessed any other controlled substance; or (C) illegally purchased, sold, cultivated, transported, manufactured, or distributed a controlled substance; Now that regulation doesn't differentiate between MMJ and non MMJ use. I think it probably should. WHat say you folks?
I think pretty much anyone should be able to, but it would be one of the truest forms of hypocrisy. Also, should this be in the politics or war on drugs forum?
And also, for the record, eventually I think marijuana should be treated the same as alcohol and not so much as a medicine. Again, it'd be very hypocritical for it not to be.
That's fucked up bro. Cops don't make the laws, they just enforce them. Two or the three cops I know are pro-legalization, and one of them is pro-legalization for recreational use in addition to medical use. Just because they're doing their job doesn't mean that they agree with all aspects of it, and to take away an individuals freedoms just because of a certain job title is, in my opinion, fucked up.
Then why did they become cops? Why dont these cops let people who have weed off the hook? If they are pro-marijuana and they arrest people for marijuana possession, they are hypocrites. Nothing else to it. There's nothing fucked up about what I said at all.
Cops don't just arrest drug users; there's a plethora of other things that cops actually do to benefit society. I don't that most cops decided to pick their job because they wanted to fuck over some stoner who was lighting up a J outside a 7/11, they picked it because they wanted to make the country a safer place (which includes arresting people who commit violent crimes, armed robbery, DUIs, etc.). I'm sure that the pro-legalization cops view it as an unfortunate part of their job, but still a part of their job nonetheless. And as to why they don't let weed smokers off the hook, I think you underestimate the severity of breaking the law for cops. If a cop is found by his upper staff not arresting people in possession of illicit substances, a suspension and/or expulsion from the police force is very likely. Cops are expected to do their job and do it well, and if somebody is breaking the law (or just turning a blind eye) towards things that (s)he is personally biased towards, then they lose their job. And that's not to say that the pro-legalization cops always DO arrest those in possession of smaller quantities of drugs; I've gotten off the hook once or twice because of some lucky breaks from sympathetic cops. When I was talking to the pro-recreational use officer, he said that he was tired of arresting the stupid stoners that were too lazy to toke up in their homes because it took time away from his day that he could actually be doing something useful. But he had to talk to them anyways, or else an anti-drug observer could file a complain, and he'd be out of his well-paying, good-benefits job that his family relied upon in order to stay out of poverty.
There's a difference, though. If a cop lives in a medical state (they would have to in order to be able to get MMJ, right?), then they're likely not arresting people who are possessing/smoking/distributing within the states MMJ laws... So yes, cops should be allowed to use MMJ - being as they're not locking up other MMJ patients.
In a medical marijuana state, state police should be able to. Federal police or DEA agents should not be allowed to use marijuana.
i gotta go with CMYSTIC on this one. i say in for a penny, in for a pound. this issue is like fucking cops speeding through town without their lights on, or in their personal cars just because they know there will be no repercussions, and to skum if you "don't agree with every aspect of your job" then quit, or change the gameplan. vote with your feet. we need more people in law enforcement who will say "no fucking way, these rules are fucked up, i am not taking part" i think we need to revive the notion of bureaucrats, politicians and law enforcement as public SERVANTS, not some temporarily elected or appointed nobility. they should have virtually no freedoms, little pay, and certainly no privacy, they should be completely beholden to the will of their constituency. this would make sure that the people seeking these jobs are doing so for selfless reasons and looking for no personal gain, true servants of the people. i realize that i am living in a dream world, human greed and the search for personal influence will almost always trump any civic obligation, perceived or otherwise
Fair enough for your first point. But I'm sure most cops didn't join to make the world a better place. You're pretty naive if that's what you really think. There are a handful of good cops, but most of the cops I've encountered for the most part, are pigs who want nothing more than to fuck people over with the power they're given by the government. despite what you say in their favor, they're still hypocrites if they arrest someone for possession of marijuana and then get baked later on when they go home. Nothing you say can change that. But I'm not only talking about MMJ, I'm talking about MJ in general. That's hypocritical as shit if they arrest someone for possession of marijuana and then go home and get high. It pisses me off because I'm sure more than half the pigs here in cobb county do it all the all the time.
Are you really expecting cops to quit their full time job, which they worked years to get to, just because they don't agree with every aspect of their job? I don't think that anybody likes everything about their job, it's just not possible. When you were 16 working at McDonalds or SaveMart, did you quit because you thought it was boring and it paid minimum wage? No, of course you didn't, you needed that money for weed. D) It works the same way for cops: is he really going to quit his job, which is keeping his entire family afloat because his wife got fired from hers due to the recession, just because he disagrees with the drug laws? How is he supposed to explain to his family and his children that they'll be eating Top Ramen for the next month or two because he felt bad for the rasta lighting up a J walking down the street? Life doesn't work like that, it's not black and white. It's not, "I love my job," or "I hate my job." It's, "I don't enjoy every single aspect of what I do for a living, but I need the money and I'm overall doing a service to keeping my country safe, so I'll stick with it." And I do agree with your opinion on law enforcement as public servants and not nobility, although I'd contest it's relevancy to our argument.
so what are cops and DEA agents not people too? hyporcritcal as it might be, how can you think of denying a citizen of this country the rights they are entitled to based on their occupation?
Who are they to deny us the basic rights as human beings that were entitled to? Oh wait, I forgot, they're the government.
may not be specifically on topic, but it points to the glaring hypocrisy that pervades our system "do as i say, not as i do" we hear it from our parents growing up and the state picks up right where our parents left off. and i would think it hypocritical if a cop who used MMJ arrested a citizen for recreational MJ. the terms Medical and recreational are just political terms, they have little to do with the actual debate, which to me is "do we have the right, as free citizens of a free country, to put whatever we individually choose into our bodies?" i say we do, but i appear to be in the minority (nationally, not on GC). this includes any and all drugs, poisons, whatever. my body is sovereign territory, what i do with it is my business alone and yes i have quit good jobs (really good) without notice and without explanation, because my supervisor wanted me to do something that was against my moral code. but more to the point I don't apply for jobs that could conceivably ask me to. In the face of living as a hypocrite, i would eat top ramen for the rest of my life if need be
No - it is only hypocritical if they arrest a MMJ patient, if they're an MMJ patient themselves. If they arrest someone who's doing it illegally - they are doing their job and enforcing the law. A cop who's a MMJ patient is only a hypocrite if it arrests another MMJ patient, which he can't really do. As much as you want to call them hypocrites, they're not... That's like saying a cop who's prescribed to Vicodin for having a bad back is a hypocrite for arresting someone who is selling Vicodin illegally on the street. One use is legal, the other is not. Hypocrisy would be a cop who gets stoned (illegally), arresting people for doing the same thing.
i think it is still hypocritical. legal, illegal, medical, recreational. these are political terms. hypocrisy is a moral condition. just because i decide on my own to use a drug, instead of getting medical permission, doesn't change the moral playing field at all.
i definitely get what your saying. but thats a entirely different philosophical argument. what im saying is... if a LEO is using legal mmj, and it is your opinion that they shouldnt be because of the fact that LEOs arrest illegal mj users, then if you want you can chastise and harass them within you legal limits about it to try to get some justice. but to pass an actual law that says LEOs whao are as much of american citizens as you cannot legally use mmj is pretty wrong.
Cops do their job, part of it which includes busting people partaking in illegal activity. I don't see the issue with them using MMJ if they legitimately need it. LEGAL VS. ILLEGAL. Come on now. And like Cottons said, they can take prescribed meds, but they gotta bust those with illegally obtained meds.