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Short term memory

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Braves4590, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Obviously weed impairs short term memory while you're high and in the days following, but I haven't smoked in a week or two and my short term memory BLOWS. Like i'll just forget what i'm thinking about in the middle of my thought. It's frustrating because I can feel it happening and I know I can't get it back. It feels like that scene from Cast Away when Wilson is floating away.

    And if i'm trying to remember a specific piece of information, I have to think of ONLY that if i'm gonna remember it. If I think about anything else, that previous thought is gone.

    Anyone else have these problems? I feel like an old man with alzheimers sometimes. :(

  2. Same lol, I smoke out of cans lots, maybe we have alzheimers.. o_O cuz i heard smokin alluminum can give u alzheimers.. im always baked in class so i never remember anything.. xD but yeah i feel ya with the memory thing.. but i used to trip dxm every day so my memory is really messed..
  3. sht um...Well yea my memory is pretty bad. I just wake and baked so im kinda high right now but, my memory is shit, but it usually only lasts a few days. Actually, this last t-break I took, I felt like I was tweakin or something because I had so much energy. shit, just forgot haha. :smoke:
  4. "...but I haven't smoked in a week or two and my short term memory BLOWS."

    Are you a once a day (or more) smoker? If so, for how long?

    I find the withdrawals from weed, while slight, to be noticeable, and this (memory loss) is one I suffer when abstaining
  5. Lol, i try to blaze at LEAST 1 time a day. (wake and bake this morning ) :D im out of bud tho :mad:
  6. if theres one stoner steretype i find usually rings true, it's that we have bad memories haha. Id been smoking irregularly for a few years, but it wasnt until my first year of daily toking that it hit me how badly my memory sucked.

    ive always been forgetful and kinda absent minded, but theres no lying that weed made it a little worse for wear. personally though I don't mind being a little spaced all the time :smoke:

  7. Ha yea I know where you're coming from. I'll be in the kitchen at work, go into the walk in cooler for a specific reason and find myself trying to recall why I went in.
  8. Man we'd be fucked if cops starting administering roadside DUI tests for weed that way... they tell us a keyword right when they come to our window, then ask us what is was after they talk to us for a bit :eek:

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