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Short T BREAK ! ) :

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by c0dyb, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. well considering this week is mid year exams and imma senior in highschool and i NEED to pass. going to be on t break for a week clear my head and then just get blitzed as fuck this weekend... this sucks tho cuz i got a blunt wrap and a eighth of some unknown dank.

  2. Im on the same train bro,
    Cept i pickup on friday

    Ive smoked every day for a bout a year,
    Taking a quick 5 day t break. Day 2 almost over!:wave:
  3. right there with ya, except im quitting until late may when i graduate, or until drug testing is over cuz i really dont wanna miss 4/20..

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