Shoelace Belts?

Discussion in 'Fashion & Lifestyle Trends' started by icrazy2u, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Do they actually hold your pants up? Cause they sound comfortable. More then a regular belt.
  2. Yeah. I didn't use them because they were fashionable I used them in high school because I was broke :confused:

  3. not really no unless your pants dont need a belt in the first place or you can keep it tighter than fuck while you tie it
  4. people used to hang thmselves with shoelaces in prison.

  5. Thats good to know.
  6. yea...

    of course now they dont give them shoelaces.
  7. they work pretty good if your pants/ shorts dont really need much too hold them up. But if they are a size too big or whatever just go with a belt haha.

    now that im thinking about it hockey skate laces would probably work better than a shoelace. but you can always find a cheap belt somewhere.
  8. yes. shoe lace belts are legit.
  9. Ties are pretty good belts as well, if you're skinny. I use em when I don't have a belt, or belt breaks, some as shoe laces.

    I never had pants that fit me, always hand me downs, and shoelaces were my belt of preference. just tie em in the front belt loops, kinda like draw strings.
  10. honestly when im not dressing up, and not wearing anything on my belt which is rare now a days i would wear a rope as a belt cause of the comfortability
  11. Is there actually a belt called shoe lace belt?
  12. I SWEAR TO GOD... If motha fuckas start rockin Shoe Lace Belts for fashion, I'mma be pissed...

    YOU GOTTA BE GHETTO TO ROCK THE SHOE LACE BELT! Not some fake fuck rockin' it to look cool... You rock it cause you're poor and can't afford a belt.... Or I do... Fuckin lame lol...

    Fuckin' hate people dressing "ghetto" acting "ghetto" when you ain't Ghetto... You can't just become ghetto out of the blue.. You are raised Ghetto, your grow ghetto... etc...

  13. jaja i totally agree!!!
    ive heard rope belt,shoe lace belt, jail belt...all the same
  14. To late. My last year of high school I noticed more and more people were wearing them. What pissed me off is people grouped me and them together. Been wearing a shoe lace belt since middle school, since I could never afford one.
  15. #15 Guadalope, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    God I hate EXPLOITATION of Cultures man... so fuckin lame... It's fucking INSULTING.

    Fake fucks are like: OH that looks SOOOO COOL!!!! LET ME DO THAT! I WANNA FIT IN!

    I'm like: I rock this shoe lace belt because I don't own a fucking belt... it broke and yeah I can't afford one. I don't rock it to look cool... I remember times when I'd unlace a shoe in the morning before my bus would come, because I don't got a belt...

    I rock these baggy pants, because I can't afford new pants, so I get hand me downs from my fat ass cuzin/brother... So they're baggy as fuck on skinny ass me.... I rock this 3X shirt because it's my bro's and I don't own any shirts... I don't rock it to be Ghetto... I am Ghetto...

    Ghetto is when you try cooking Ghetto French Toast (Sugar + Water + Bread, because all your shit in the fridge went bad) over candle light because your power is shot off...

    Ghetto is knowing that when your power is shut off, just because your stove burner doesn't click and make a spark, doesn't mean you can't use it... you can use a lighter to light the stove... you feel me?

    And when you cook that Ghetto French Toast, it's the most fucking delicious meal you've ever eaten, to this date, because you did it the Ghetto way. I've tried to replicate that meal before.. And it never came out the same as it did when my power was off, and I was cooking it over candle light, then I got the idea to turn my stove on, light it with the candel, and it worked, then threw the soggy ass sugar water bread on the stove and was so fucking happy it was working...

    I hated seeing fake fucking Kids (especially the black kids...) in my school acting all Hood and shit when they're not Hood, they're not Ghetto... They want to be SOOOO badly... But you can't simply be ghetto by wearing baggy clothes, you Are Ghetto from your up bringing... GOD fuckin fake ass faggots man... Man my cuz' was HOOD, he don't brag about selling kilos and kilos of coke, thousands and thousands e pills, pounds and pounds of bud, credit card fraud.... robbing *****s, stealing coke from fools, getting mobbed on from stealing the coke:

    He was mobbed on by 14 dudes, He fucked up some Fake M.O.B member, after he knocked him out, he ran his pockets, had like $1000, and an ounce of coke. They knew it was my cuz, they jumped him (14 dudes), one swung a bat at his head, he was instantly knocked out but fucking still was fighting and whooped these *****s ass... (he's a big motha fucka...) When they saw him eat a bat to the face, they were like WHAT THE FUCK!??? Theypeaced cause he was fuckin fighting in Death Mode... He was throwing *****s... crackin skulls and shit, pretty much if they stayed he was going to Die, and so were a couple of them...

    NOW THAT'S SHIT TO BRAG ABOUT.. that he whooped 14 *****s ASS, ate a baseball bat to the head, he didn't GO DOWN... (that's the only thing I've ever heard him "brag" about and it aint bragging, it's PRIDE, that he would of fucking DIED if he went down, and he didn't...) He drove the fuck home and did some coke and layed low, lol... He don't brag going to prison... That's not shit you brag about, and it's not shit you're proud of... It's shit you got caught up it... Did, and made mistakes...

    He has permanent damage to his eye from that baseball bat to the forehead, as well as a scar... He sees streams of light, and double vision sometimes, his one eye is blurry as fuck, so his eyesight is terrible...

    I hate these fuckin fake faggots man, thinkin' it's all cool to dress hood, act hood, when you aint hood, you a fuckin punk bitch... When you're HOOD, you're PROUD YOU SURVIVED... You ain't proud of being Hood... You know? BLEH man this World got it backwards... Everyone want's to be a G... But don't wanna put in the WORK to earn the Title....
  16. Or you could see it as people wanting to stay comfortable. Why did this become a hate thread? I'm not rich, not poor, i'm comfortable. And I enjoy sitting in class all day when my belts not digging in my side, so do a lot of other people. Maybe its not a trend, maybe people just like being comfortable. At the end of the day, people are gonna wear what they want no matter how ghetto or gay it looks. Part of being unique.
  17. I think its good idea!
  18. [​IMG]

    These belts are the way to go. Comfy as fuck. This isn't mine though, Mines a Hummer (haha get it?) and instead of red flames it has blood splatters

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