I went to smoke outside today and it was a miserable time. went to an apartment to see my friend and some scared old white lady comes out in the hallway telling me to wait outside. i told her i was waiting for my friend to come out but the bitch insisted. Tried to find a place to smoke but i felt like there were people everywhere! My legs were on fire too from mosquito bites and my skin was crawling like bugs were always around me. And it was hot as fuck... Bascially, i hate smoking during the summer and don't know what to do to improve my experience; i feel like im sensitive/allergic to the summer weather. I can't wait til the Fall and Winter seasons those will be blissful.
[quote name='"Metridixal"']Winter is going to suck here.... God damnit Canada.[/quote] I agree. The main reason I don't wanna live here lol
Fuck smoking in nature. You don't want to put your bowl down because like it will get dirty and who wants that. You have to be super careful about dropping weed and shit plus you can't get comfy because you're sitting on a fucking log or something lmfao. But I hear you on the autumn season. Goddamit, autumn in New England is one of the most beautiful sights and THE chillest vibe you will ever have on the entire earth. Seriously, winter/spring/summer suck here in the north east but if I ever moved I will miss autumn. Damn.
This is why me and all my friends have foldable chairs in our cars. Whenever we need to burn we find a random spot and put the seats in a circle that 70s show style. Also pants are good for being outside to avoid bug bites even though it might be hot you'll be happy later. As long as the wind permits burning outside in nature is the best, especially looking at a nice view.
[quote name='"Jiggernex"']Fuck smoking in nature. You don't want to put your bowl down because like it will get dirty and who wants that. You have to be super careful about dropping weed and shit plus you can't get comfy because you're sitting on a fucking log or something lmfao. But I hear you on the autumn season. Goddamit, autumn in New England is one of the most beautiful sights and THE chillest vibe you will ever have on the entire earth. Seriously, winter/spring/summer suck here in the north east but if I ever moved I will miss autumn. Damn.[/quote] How can you say that. Nature is the COOLEST place to smoke. On a mountain, in a beautiful forest, on a lake. Way better than smoking in these man made concrete-jungles we live in.
[quote name='"Metridixal"']Winter is going to suck here.... God damnit Canada.[/quote] I love Canadian winters. Fuck summer it's hot most time in your house and sweaty outside where countless bugs gang bang your skin