shitty day yesterday, pumped for today

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Kobe4MVP420, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. So yesterday i was playing basketball for my school at practice. I jammed my thumb and went to the hospital. It comes out i tore a ligament in my thumb and i might need surgery.

    ...But today, im going to green bay for the Packers return.:hello: Even better, me and 3 other friends have a quo for the 2.5 hrs drive. :smoke:

    oooo...and my mom gave me $60
  2. Sounds like you're gonna have a good day. :)

    I cut my pinky DEEP on the last digit while working with sheet metal and not wearing gloves(D'oh...:rolleyes:). It cut the ligament and I still to this day, even after surgery, can't move the last digit. It looks kinda funny when I make a fist.
  3. i took a really nice shit today
  4. Yo dawg, don't go into surgery; they're plotting against you just like Caesar bro. They gunna amputate your hand and when you wake up, they'll tell you that you were in a major accident, then you proceed to look down towards your hand and find a stump where your hand used to be. Don't go.
  5. [​IMG]

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