Does anyone that lives in an illegal state ship to their grow house? I have no body that'd take my shipment to their address. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Nope. NEVER. Get a p.o box. Or get a friend. If you absolutely have to ship to your site use a trusted domestic seed bank.
I have a p.o box now. That's all we have in my town. Might have to go domestic because my friends will say hell to the no on getting my seeds Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Try it out with stealth shipping. Might cost a bit more but if it gets seized at the port, they'll resend it again. I'm pretty sure the guys working at customs are not really going to do much over some seeds. Unless if someone knows of an event that has happened in the past.
Seems like everyone says not to send to your grow address but really, everybody gets all sorts of mail. Not talking 1000 sq/ft here. Living in a rural area, we get products delivered quite often and neighbors even more. If ordered in the US there is no customs. Do I want to go to my one clerk, part time post office for seeds? Seeds are not the place to spend your paranoia. Imagine people growing in their apartment or condo and worrying about seeds in the mail!
I even have my soil sent through the mail, are you kidding with seeds Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I said soil really I meant worm castings but I'm sure the mailman thought it was a bag of soil, just can't find ewc anywhere around here. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
No, even the one garden supply store in town didn't know what ewc were, I have to order any real materials or make my own. Nothing, even on Craigslist Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Yeah 94 miles away according to Google maps, mailman drops it on the porch Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app