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Shipping to Australia/Customs

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Palmfunk, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Hey, I was wondering if any you guys on here also live in aus and have successfully purchased from this site and got their shit?

    I have a friend who (apparently) spent a few hundred dollars, only for it to be ceased at customs..

    I'm set on buying a new piece but I just want to make sure:metal:
  2. What are you talking about, bongs? vapourisers? something else?

    I have had vapourisers shipped here from the states and canada and never had such a problem.
    Not sure about bongs and pipes though, they're not really my thing.

    From something I heard a while back only a very small percentage of items like this would even be investigated in the first place due to sheer amounts of incoming mail.
    It's still a potential, but a small one.
  3. Bongs & glass in general
    vaporisers come in glass too you know?

    I'm looking at a nice vapor bubbler though it looks very much like a crack-pipe
    (the reason my friend had his piece seized)

  4. Yes, and?
    Glass is common terminology for glass bongs and pipes etc.

    All the same, it's a risk but a very small one.

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