Shipping restrictions to america

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by pivotskull, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. Hello Grass City,

    My friend and I are absolutly amazed such a site like this exists. We live in America and are not use to such open markets for recreational drugs. I know many products are explicity forbidden to be shipped here... however i found a couple of gems that are explicity not forbidden. Honestly, this all just seems to good to be true.

    For example, Salvia joints. Can these actually go through American customs?

    And Amanita extracts. I honestly cannot see these items passing.

    What makes it worse, grasscity does not guarentee that their items will pass through customs, and will not reinburse my friend and I if they dont.

    Should i take the risk and order the salvia and amenita extracts?

    thanks in advance
  2. Neither Salvia nor psychoactive Amanitas/amanita extracts are illegal in the US...yet...

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