Shipping Question

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by steveguymandude, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. So i made a big order off the store and used the sending money option to pay. the money got there fine and the order status went from "pending" to "pre-shipping" to "complete." its been at complete for a while so does that mean the order has shipped or does it still have to be shipped?
  2. I think that means it reached the destination (ie: your house). Either that or it's shipping and on its way.
  3. It doesn't mean it's reached it's destination. It sounds like it's shipped. Keep in mind that it's coming from across the pond and that it has to hit customs before USPS and you. :)
  4. give it a few days mate, my budy on the south east got his order within 5 business days.

    not shabby for across the ocean and through customs and such

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