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Shipping into OZ

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by denalii, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Not sure where I should put this, sorry if I put it in the wrong section...
    I am currently looking at the Grasscity shop, and I found a great bong, and one that I would like to buy, I am wondering if these can get taken off you (while shipping), or if I am breaking any laws by having these sent over.
    Also what kind of container would these things come in? Would it clearly state that it is a smoking device?
    Thank you in advance for any help.
  2. GC is known to ship discreetly, and while I'm not positive about the bong laws in Australia, there was a guy who posted that bongs are illegal there a couple days ago..

    So you can buy it, and hope that they don't random check your package, but if they do there are no refunds from GC. I wouldn't worry about getting in legal trouble though, you could claim that you didn't order anything and that would be that (if it even got checked AND they tried to prosecute you for it, which I'm sure they wouldn't).

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