Shiny new pipe

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by 8ight, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Got it around Thursday I think. Very solid, smokes great, and I think it looks awesome. :) Still gotta think up a name for it...

  2. That my friend, is extremely pretty.
    And from the colors, I'd call it snakey :)
  3. oops, try again...
    and yea, a snake is like the first thing it reminded me of. :) but the blue and white sections are really cool too (kinda hard to see them in this pic, but I don't have a camera)

  4. That's a sick spoon man. I'm not really into naming pieces though so can't help ya there.
  5. That is a very nice piece you got there. looks pretty thick too, enjoy that shit and be carefull.
  6. nice It would look even better if it was a bubbler with the same design
  7. sexy ass lookin pipe man :)
  8. I would call it chimney

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