Many of us are aware about the recent leak by Edward Snowden regarding the surveillance of US citizens' private phone/internet usage. I have been under the assumption of this for a long time, so I didn't even bother reading about it in the news. I was just on Facebook and noticed an article that was shared by the Occupy Wall St page, so I figured I might as well read through it real quick. The article itself was nothing new in itself. However, the comments left by the readers were... SHOCKING. The vast majority of commenters all referred to Snowden as a traitor for "exposing" the US and fleeing to China. The general consensus on there is that "he is a coward and should be tried for treason." I expected to read that from a few people, but not the majority of posters... I'd say theres a 10:1 ratio of people against what Snowden did, to people who are for it. Am I missing something here? Are the majority of our citizens that clueless? Or are they just blinded by their false patriotism? Do they really believe everything the government does behind closed doors is for their own safety? Don't get me wrong, I love this country, I wouldn't live anywhere else. But our government... thats a different story. Maybe reading George Orwell's novel, 1984 has simply made me go mad, unlike all the people supporting the capture and death of Snowden... I guess what I am wanting to get from this thread is how do you guys feel about such a staggering amount of "sheeple" that we live among? I feel as though the members of GrassCity are all a bit more "awake" then most people I talk to, considering we have all seen how the government lies to us, first hand, from simply having smoked marijuana and not dieing on the spot, or going on to do crazy shit. Comments at the bottom, multiple pages.
The comment section of HuffPo has never really been an area of intellectual brilliance to say the least.
It's sadening really. This man should be given a Nobel peace prize. He is a true patriot. A lot of people are just saying "it shouldn't matter if you don't have anything to hide" If Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and many of our founding fathers were around today they would most Lilly either be killed or in guantamino bay.
It's sadening really. This man should be given a Nobel peace prize. He is a true patriot. A lot of people are just saying "it shouldn't matter if you don't have anything to hide" If Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and many of our founding fathers were around today they would most Lilly either be killed or in guantamino bay. This seems about right... America as a whole is moderate, leaning conservative and far more afraid of terrorism than they should be.
Probably the same sheeple that think it was ok for law enforcement to go house to house after the Boston marathon bombing and force people out of their homes without a warrant and with a gun pointed in their faces. Personally, I would not have opened the door. Let them kick it in. Then, I would refuse to leave my house. Let them beat me and drag me out and let the lawsuit begin.
Good post. I just read through the article and the number of people who don't mind the government intruding more and more on their privacy is disappointing to say the least. And youre right... America is mucy more afraid of terrorism than it should. What was the last "real" Terrorist attack? 9/11, and there's plenty of evidence suggesting that it was simply a product of government ThinkTanks... Anytime someone does something violent (shoots up a movie theathre/school) they are labeled terrorists, instead of sociopaths. They just keep adding fuel to the fire. But I don't want to derail this thread into a conspiracy theory collection... Shocking statistics in the above article though.
I would have called 911 and reported armed gunmen trying to break into my house and that I was about to start shooting to protect my family.
Listening to 700 wlw (local AM radio station) this morning and they had a political analyst on talking about Snowden and the NSA. He was droning on about how "he broke the law, blah blah blah, he signed a piece of paper, blah blah blah." He also mentioned something about how it wasn't a standard corporate contract, it was a contract with the fedgov and that the work he was doing was tax-payer funded. Seems like a legit reason for blowing the whistle to me since we're the ones getting spied on AND we're the ones picking up the tab. Oh yeah, it was also brought up about "putting American lives in danger" or some bullshit. I still fail to see how this puts anyone's life in danger. Feinstein wants the guy charged with treason, which is absurd. Then he started talking about how a majority of Americans support the program. As if that is a legitimate excuse for trampling on the Constitution with dog shit on your shoes. I'm pretty sure he said more ridiculous shit but I was busy yelling at the radio and likely missed a bunch.
Most people "care" but wont do anything. Come next election they sill he voting for gay marriage again Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
That is one of the stupidest arguments one can come up with. A majority of Americans supported slavery at one time, so I guess that is okay? I don't understand why people feel like they have to justify the evil that their government does. In a past life when I was for big government, even I wouldn't be defending this It's sad too because I bet those radio hosts are the same people who get all sentimental over the founding fathers, even though they fought against this same kind of shit. If modern technology existed in the 1770's, I guaran-fucking-tee that King George would have loved this PRISM system -- would have come in handy to crush the violent revolutionaries. world-wide-web-inventor-warns-of-growing-surveillance/