Shaving ur look

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by *RazzleDazzle*, May 23, 2010.

  1. trimming FTW..
  2. now that we cant talk about drugs its just about penises and gay shit.

  3. This forum is for discussion of various topics that might be controversial for some members. If you don't want to play with Pandora, don't come to the Box.
  4. A "cute looking dick" is just a nice way of sayin it's small.
  5. I just braid my shit.

    Sometimes cornrows.
  6. How can a dick be cute? I don't understand how anyone could think a dick looks good. It's so odd looking. I guess that's the way it is though. Funny how it works...
  7. PICS or GTFO :laughing:
  8. Sometimes I just let it grow out as much as I can, I got a firecrotch and for some reason or another that seems to justify it to people.
    Don't play with the fire if you can't handle the burn :p
  9. The rug burn from ur carpet down there? :confused:
  10. dude i got some shit like icey hot but like its prescription or some shit. im about to use that.
  11. I'm standing by for this one.:devious:

  12. You know it :D
  13. LMAO I remember this guy!!! (TTU)
  14. alright so in all seriousness, how do you guys shave your balls without cutting them? i use an electric one and the slightest slip of the hand and i get cut wtf.

    - I don't have 3 hands so no i cant just stretch the skin
    - I'd rather not get some weird mutation from nair

  15. Ooh, burn.

  16. Norelco Body Groom.

    Best manscaping device ever created.

    Razor bumps a problem? I have a complete system:
    Dial Antibactorial Soap, Clean and rinse
    Witch Hazel, Clean and Rinse
    Deodorant rub all over shaved area.

    Never see bumps again but may get an in grown hair or two - but they won't be infected and no itchiness.
  17. Dude i shaved mine when i was like 12 and it itched so fucking badly. I agree if its getting too hairy down there then a little snip with some sizzors doesnt do anyharm, but totally shaving your pubes off is just... well... umm... uhh,

  18. this is so confusing sometimes...

    usually when im with a girl they either tell me one of two things they like their guys hairy,

    or hairless.

    so im like :smoking:

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