Sharpie pipes

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Trip Hitter, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Alright, so I have just started smoking more seriously and I haven't had the time to go out and buy a pipe, but yet I find the time to make one out of a big friends say that smoking out of a sharpie, or for that matter, a pipe that wasn't made for smoking weed, really wrecks the taste of the this true?
  2. Yeah thats fucking nasty man no telling what ink residue was left behind that you're inhaling. At least grab an apple or learn to roll a joint or something.
  3. yeah thats fucking gross, don't do that
  4. Im just gonna throw this shit away then, looks like I'll just have to steal my uncles cig papers from him ha.
  5. A pack of rolling papers can be bought at MOST gas stations, and any local head shop. They cost lest then $2.50, and you can get a cheap glass pipe for around $20. Definitely worth that much to avoid smoking plastic.
  6. i can make a mean bong with a 20 oz soda bottle :p

  7. I would try that, but from what I've heard, plastic sucks...and I don't think I wanna waste my weed, but hey, props to ya!
  8. so you heard that smoking out of a plastic receptacle was a bad idea and refuse to make a bong out of a soda bottle because your plastic sharpie pipe is just an all around better idea?
  9. Waterfall pipes are 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x better than a sharpie pipe.
  10. in my soda bottle bong the plastic is only to hold water and smoke no heat comes in contact with it i made a down tube and a sliding bowl from a metal pen..

  11. Um no? That's not what I meant. I'm not gonna smoke out of that shit neither, I got cash, I'll have someone hook me up.
  12. Well if you got some extra cash to spend and you don't have a head shop in your area, the shop on this site isn't to bad.
  13. maybe he has cash and will get a hook up for a legal piece he could pick up at any head shop, cause he's not old enough to purchase it...

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