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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kipohippo, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. My friend wants to buy some weed called "shark". Apparently, its not even green, its blue. Its got green hairs in it (wf?). It costs 25 a g, and this is all coming from the guy who sold me and my friend fake acid and salvia. What do you think? For the record, im 100% against this. Just using this thread to show my friend how bad of an idea this is.
  2. if he is known to rip people off, doesnt look like weed, and doesnt smell like weed chances are it aint.

    and even if it WAS weed somehow, i would not pay 25 a g for foodcoloring-soaked nugs =/ just my opinion

    edit: thats a fake strain name too btw
  3. Didn't know blue plants existed. Obviously blue means they have a lot of THC.
  4. Oh yeah, that guy sounds totally trustworthy, 25/g is a steal on that, hell I'd pay 40/g.

    KIDDING! That sounds like a ripoff and a half. The guy sounds like a plug, and the price is outrageous. If it's more than 15/g you better be getting bud that has sugary crystals all over it.
  5. lots of green and white hairs means immature buds and/or a rapid dry after it was harvested. both r bad things. dont waste ur money

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